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some call me brian
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cape Cod
so i got this Paph lowii with great color and form several years ago from wickford orchids here in rhode island. i keep it at work and it's been knocked over, had leaves broken off, i waited too long to repot it and so it had to make new roots. it's got about five growths. couldn't get the sucker to bloom.
well, last week i took a look at it and low and behold, sucker has two sheaths!!!
i'm so freakin' excited!
i just hope that none of those rat b@st@rd students steal it....
likespaphs said:
so i got this Paph lowii with great color and form several years ago from wickford orchids here in rhode island. i keep it at work and it's been knocked over, had leaves broken off, i waited too long to repot it and so it had to make new roots. it's got about five growths. couldn't get the sucker to bloom.
well, last week i took a look at it and low and behold, sucker has two sheaths!!!
i'm so freakin' excited!
i just hope that none of those rat b@st@rd students steal it....

You could propose to give them A+ if the plant flowers.
if the plant flowers, i'm giving myself an a+, though i probably only deserve a c. i'm an easy grader.
if someone steals it, i'll give 'em a boot in the eye... or an f.
Lucky you. Lowii is one of my favorite species and never devide them. It look best and grow best as a big clump. Mine only bloom about every 16-18 months and doesn't produce new growths as much. Only one at a time. I guess i need to find more vigorous clone.

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