Will the last Cyp please stand up?

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Just call me Tom
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Kyushu, Japan; warm temperate/subtropical climate
Last Cyp to flower for me each year, C. kentuckiense. I love the profile of the lip - nearly a vertical drop in the front. No other Cyp has a lip quite like that:


Another nice feature are the purple spots on the lip orifice and staminode:


This plant has been with me for over two years now, so I feel it is settling in. It really is tough keeping Cyps alive in this hot climate, but if any species can handle the heat, its this one!

He lives in Kentucky, Japan! :poke:

Yup, the backwoods of southern Japan. People talk real slow round here. In truth I live on the northwest coast of Kyushu, the southernmost main island in Japan, on the eves of the City of Fukuoka (population 1.3 million, backwoods indeed!). The climate has nothing truly comparable in the states, but the average temperatures aren't very different than Atlanta, Georgia.
Gorgeous! My kentuckiense is in the process of opening now......just a few more days....Eric
I have a question; did you carry plants into Japan when you moved there?

Eric - Nope! I have been slowly acquiring stuff over the last 5 years. When I first came here 5 and a half years ago I had only a couple suitcases of clothes and books with me. The first plant I bought was a NOID green complex Paph and it slowly built from there.
translucens windows are unique! reminiscent of others from S.America, besseae, dalessandroi, schlimii...

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