What would the Paph Goddess Do?

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Sorry to offend you Lance, but I feel its just about like giving your kid some cinnamon for a respiratory infection instead of an anti-biotic.
bwester said:
Sorry to offend you Lance, but I feel its just about like giving your kid some cinnamon for a respiratory infection instead of an anti-biotic.

No, You did not offend me. But since you made a very strong statement would you explain why you feel that way? Did you have a bad experience with natural medecine?

Had you taken the time to read the info I linked to before you declared it "crap" you would see it in no way suggests using the herbs to replace prescribed medicine. The info indicates use of Cat's Claw may drastically reduce the side effects of chemo, I thought Patrix may be interested.
(Several European countries have approved the use as a medical treatment.)

My personal experience is that had I not had Dragon's Blood and Cat's Claw when I contracted Necrotic Cellulitis (flesh eating bacteria) in the jungle I believe I would be dead now. If you want proof I'll be happy to post a picture, but it is not pretty. I've personally seen proof the herbs I refer to have worked on other people, I wish I could cite it here.

If someone undergoing chemo therapy can possibly lessen the bad side effects and destruction of their immune system by drinking tea that tastes good, I think they have a right to know about it. It is a shame to dismiss an herb as "crap" until you know it is. We don't want to get started on the corruption surrounding "prooven" drugs, or do we?

Someday if your kid is suffering from a respiratory infection that antibiotics are not stopping I hope you will remember a jungle plant may be an added boost that does not have side effects.

Until living among people that rely on natural medicine I would have tended to agreed with you about the effectiveness of herbs in treating ailments. But I was way wrong.
i laughed out loud when i read his post.
i like very strong opinions (about anything). they often make me laugh...
plus, he's probably never used vinegar as an underarm deodorant, a hair conditioner and a skin toner.
just between you, me and the neti pot, i bet there isn't a wormbin in the basement, either....

oh yeh, some natural remedies are 'proven', so there!
I was talking about the fight against aggressive bacteria. I'm am quite aware of the fact that many drugs are derived from natural items. However, i stand by my previous posts when it comes to nasty bugs like erwinea. Plus, i bet there were some anti-biotics in addition to the dragon's blood and cat's claw, Lance, am I wrong???
I dunno tho...I've never had to use anything other than removal of the affected area and cinnamon to stop the spread of rot.

I'm totally guilty of over-using those anti-bacterial wipes in my home, to the extent that I need to test myself for an allergy to them, but with the plants, I'm really reticent to use anything more harsh. I've almost killed a couple plants in the past due to over-zealous insecticidal use so, I'm wary.
instead of being over-zealous, it may have been phytotoxicity...

i think that anti-bacterial stuff is being overused and we're on our way to superbugs.
Reality check:

bwester said:
I was talking about the fight against aggressive bacteria. I'm am quite aware of the fact that many drugs are derived from natural items. However, i stand by my previous posts when it comes to nasty bugs like erwinea. Plus, i bet there were some anti-biotics in addition to the dragon's blood and cat's claw, Lance, am I wrong???
OK wombats, time for a reality check. I'm pretty sure medicinal use should be based on one's personal preference. I personally have been an antibiotic abuser. I have some unidentified blood symptom that caused me to get abcesses when I scraped my skin, which was every week due to diving into bunkers in paintball practice. I went through so many antibiotics that most of them now dont work. Luckily I don't have the problem so often. I'm sure that combinations of medicines natural and synthetic or processed can be used to take care of most symptoms [although they may not cure the disease]. Remember in the book 'Orchid Fever' how someone [notice no names mentioned] attributes using chemical treatments on Paphs to the extent of damaging their own health; I use Physon undiluted on my plants. I'm sure [the coughing is a giveaway clue] that this isn't healthy for me but it's my choice. Let's be cool and just contribute our advice. Your's truly, Eric. P.S. Heather, I thought you were the Paph Goddess. :wink:
I'm sorry, I failed to see the reality check on that one, Eric. However, when I end up with copper poisoning from my exposure to phyton, I'll be sure to try some dragon's foot or cow's penis and see how it comes out. At least my plants will be healthy though.
bwester said:
I'm sorry, I failed to see the reality check on that one, Eric. However, when I end up with copper poisoning from my exposure to phyton, I'll be sure to try some dragon's foot or cow's penis and see how it comes out. At least my plants will be healthy though.
Dragons may have feet, but cows do not have a penis.:poke:
Heather, you're lucky I've spent the last week watching House so I can formulate some advice.

The way I see it:

You've removed the affected leaf, and made it a point to let that area dry out. Problem solved.
It's like killing a weed. You can spray natural herbicides or chemicals that would make your hair fall out to kill it, or you can set a pot over it so it doesn't get any light thus depriving it of something it needs to survive.

I don't know...seems to me to be some crossed paths here....and I sympathize with both points of view. My take was never that Lance was encouraging a switch from chemo to herbal remedies, more that the herbal remedy might provide some relief from chemo discomfort....I agree that the idea of giving up established treatments for alternative treatments (herbal or not) gives me the shivers ...(I still get the horrors thinking about how one of our family friends was so proud about how she made sure that a relative dying of pancreatic cancer was treated only with shark cartilage and homeopathic remedies...despite the objections of the entire family..it was apparently a pleasant end only in her eyes...) On the other hand, herbal "remedies" are still the major avenue of ethnobotany ...including some promising antifungals...(aside from the well known aspirin and quinine, the anti-cancer vincristine was derived from a jungle plant, the Madagascar periwinkle...) Politically, of course, the promise of potential medicines is one of the major cards that are held in the fight against habitat destruction in the rain forests...cute paphs just can't cut it in that department...(gee, how would people feel about CITES restrictions if P. hangianum had chemotherapy potential?) Actually...could be the other way around...when taxol was first discovered, environmentalists were coming under fire for wanting to protect the Pacific yew trees in which it was found...it has since been synthesized....regardless, as I ramble....there is a difference between relief of discomfort and an unproved cure...I can see how one would encourage the former, discourage the latter (in ordinary, not extreme circumstances). I for one am fascinated by herbal remedies, but I'm not about to jump on them...I take pseudoephedrine for my sinuses, not herbal ephedra...I prefer to know my dose (I know of at least one case of atropine poisoning from a simple tea of herbal burdock...herbs are not standardized, and dosage may vary...just ask any druggie how one batch of pot can vary from another..at least in the days before hydroponic superweed....and I have to admit, reference to jungle vines automatically brings to mind Banisteriopsis caapi, ayahuasca, yage.....William Burroughs...and the great Richard Evans Schultes...) I think there is also a bug up many people's butts about the "natural" medicine outlook, relying on echinace (makes me gag and feel even more sick) and homeopathic placebo's (although I do find cold-eze zinc helpful for colds about half the time...)...I can't disagree about that...I have that same bug ...and even Andrew Weil made it very clear that when it gets serious, you do not deal with alternative medicine...Enough...everyone needs a break now! Take care, Eric
bwester said:
Plus, i bet there were some anti-biotics in addition to the dragon's blood and cat's claw, Lance, am I wrong???

No you are not wrong. I used antibiotics as well, once I was where I could get them. It was 2 days before I reached a doctor in a remote village. After returning home (in Peru) every doctor that saw me wanted me in the hospital to be on a IV drip of antibiotics for at least 30 days. They said I would loose my leg and most likely die. I choose to stay home and rely on herbs and twice daily injections of Cepro. Every doctor said it was a miracle I lived.
But this is exactly my point... You can use both, it is not and should not be one or the other.

People have been brainwashed to forget how to use free medicine from nature. None of the natural remedies will ever be "prooven' in the USA. The FDA won't allow it. And we all know the FDA is not corrupt and only has the peoples best interest in mind. Oh wait, maybe I saw something in the news about that?

When you hear the mention of a natural or herbal remedy don't make the mistake of confusing them with the phony extracted mixed up products being pushed and promoted by pseudo-pharmaceutical companies. There is a difference between natural and manufactured.