Wössner China Moon & Friend

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Aug 14, 2014
Reaction score
New York City
This is my very first Wössner China Moon blooming for the third time.
I got it from Cloud's back in 2014 as a small seedling. It first bloomed in 2017. Then, again in 2018.
I was very excited to see two spikes going, but one of them aborted itself.
So, a lone flower, again, but being a yellow flower fan, I'm very happy with this one.
Two new growths are well on their way already. So this is a good grower, too.

The second photo shows some brown blemish because I took it to the society meeting the day before. :(

It has a nice scent of sweet citrus plus baby powder, kind of. Hard to describe exactly.
The delenatii album smells like roses in general, very pleasant and fresh!



That Wossner China Moon is fantastic.
Don't you just love it when the first blooming plant turns out very close to your ideal and then it blooms again & again with consistent quality?
I would love to have a back up of this plant just in case, but the rootball is just insanely big and tight. For now, I'm going to have to wait for it to get larger and fall apart on its own.
This is my very first Wössner China Moon blooming for the third time.
I got it from Cloud's back in 2014 as a small seedling. It first bloomed in 2017. Then, again in 2018.
I was very excited to see two spikes going, but one of them aborted itself.
So, a lone flower, again, but being a yellow flower fan, I'm very happy with this one.
Two new growths are well on their way already. So this is a good grower, too.

The second photo shows some brown blemish because I took it to the society meeting the day before. :(

It has a nice scent of sweet citrus plus baby powder, kind of. Hard to describe exactly.
The delenatii album smells like roses in general, very pleasant and fresh!



What a gorgeous plant.
What a gorgeous plant.

Right? I like the glossy green leaves with subtle patterns on them. Others turned out more like armeniacum (proportionally narrower and long), but this particular plant has rather chunky look, which I really like.
It is not often that I like both the flower and the plant. Usually one is good and the other is off somewhere. hahaha