vietnamense (again!)

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Superb !

For the forum : do you think that temperature could influence vietnamense colour (like the micranthum and other parvi ?)

I think probably yes. In general, when the flowers develop under cooler temperatures the pigments (usually anthocyanins) express them selves more, resulting in darker colors.

I think probably yes. In general, when the flowers develop under cooler temperatures the pigments (usually anthocyanins) express them selves more, resulting in darker colors.


For some species maybe yes :)
About vietnamense I don't think so... I have bloomed this one under 3 different conditions and the colour was always the same or close. only stronger light seem to darken the colours of paphs (seen here on sukhakulii).
how do you tell a part on the leafs of the viet & ho chi ming? or the from the flower? i had one bloom and look some what like yours with a splash of red on the staminode forming a V.... I dun have the picture at this point cause i had forgotten to snap it while it was on bloom.....
The Vendor i bought it from, had several Viet & HCM on sale and he was kind of comfuse when some of the label was lost.....
how do you tell a part on the leafs of the viet & ho chi ming? or the from the flower? i had one bloom and look some what like yours with a splash of red on the staminode forming a V.... I dun have the picture at this point cause i had forgotten to snap it while it was on bloom.....
The Vendor i bought it from, had several Viet & HCM on sale and he was kind of comfuse when some of the label was lost.....
HCM can be much larger plants with ruff texture to the leaves. viets are smooth to the touch.