Update: My Geckos

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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Catskill, N.Y.
Here is my OTHER BABIES!!!



Cool...!!! But I couldn't keep any reptile as a pet...! I haven't tried yet, though!!!
They saved a lot of money on their terrarium insurance!

Get a pic of them licking their eye and I'll be impressed. :) I love leopard geckos- cute and tame. Unlike their Tokay cousins!

They are so cute! Do they make loud noises at dawn? I remember back in the Philippines some species does.

OMG! I would jump out of my skin if I saw one of those!

I'm just not good with anything that's pretty much not a dog or cat.

...but knowledge is power so I'll add them to the list of critters to research. I can see how they might be cute. I used to think paphs were ugly so anything is possible. :p

You never know what you'll learn on ST!
Thanks All!! Yes they are cool & cute. I feed them crickets, wax & meal worms. I actually had the crickets breed & have about 100++ babies running around. I am trying to breed the wax worms. I have moths hatching out now!!
The 1st picture of the Leucustic Gecko he also eats lettuce & bananas. They don't make any noise, once in a while they do "chirp" but nothing like the noise from the crickets!!
