Two beautiful gifted plants.

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Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Albany, N.Y. USA
Both of these plants were gifted to me from a fellow member. Thanks Aquacorps also know as Russ to his friends. The first plant was given to me about a year ago. It is Paph Tyke 'Mini Mini Pink' x Paph Coconut Candy ' Green Tea'. Looks like the green won out over the pink. This should be compared to another one of the same cross that Ross posted a few days ago. On mine the stem is 3 inches tall and the flower has a natural spread of 6.5 c.m. This is a second blooming. The breeding on this plant was done by Koopowitz.


The following plant I received from the same source today. It is Paph. bellatulum 'Hot Lips' x Steel Magnolia 'Sabatino'. The breeding is from Nick. This is a first bloom seedling on a 9 inch leaf span growth and it has a second near blooming size 7 1/2 inch growth. This is a large flower. It has a natural spread of about 9 c.m.

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Please understand that this has nothing to do with Bob, and I am not picking on him, just using this thread to express my disappointment at the way we use language any more.

Isn't "gifted" an adjective meant to convey an elevated level of talent?

I know we bastardize the crap out of stuff these days, but c'mon people.

I get particularly frustrated with news people on TV - one local person decided that she would be "efforting to get more on the story". Sheesh.

Oh yeah. Nice plants, Bob!
I think the word of the year for 2009 was "unfriend". As in to kick one off of their Facebook/twitter/whatever friend list.

I'm not going to unfriend Bob because he was gifted some nice plants and is also a gifted grower. :)
"efforting to get more on the story".
was that Sarah or George :D

according to :

8 entries found.

1gift (noun)
2gift (transitive verb)
GIFT (abbreviation)
gift card (noun)
gift certificate (noun)
gift of gab
gift of tongues
gift wrap (transitive verb)

Main Entry: 1gift
Pronunciation: \ˈgift\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old Norse, something given, talent; akin to Old English giefan to give
Date: 12th century

1 : a notable capacity, talent, or endowment
2 : something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation
3 : the act, right, or power of giving

American Heritage Dictionary

gift (gft) KEY

Something that is bestowed voluntarily and without compensation.
The act, right, or power of giving.
A talent, endowment, aptitude, or inclination.

gift·ed, gift·ing, gifts
1) To present something as a gift to.
2) To endow with.

which would make the phrase "this was gifted to me" correct... :poke:

however, not necessarily the phrase "Two beautiful gifted plants." unless these two really have "an impressive natural ability"

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