Two armeniacums

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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2008
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I'm having a reasonably good season for parvis given the small number of them I have; I put a bunch of paphs outside late last fall for a few weeks of 40 degree nights and it helped. The 25-growth micranthum bloomed for the first time, an antec vietnamense bloomed, and I have a crop of a half-dozen or so delenatiis in bud as well as a few other species and hybrids. The greenhouse can't be allowed to get that cold; the vandas, phals, bulbos and other warmer growers wouldn't like it. I'm thinking of tying to divide the GH into two zones for next winter, but not sure if I'm really up to all that work.

Both flowers are a bit small, but so are the plants. I have had trouble with armeniacum for years and barely kept them alive (lost a couple, actually). Did bloom a different one a few years back, not well; it was too warm and the segments were very thin and the color weak. They have done better the last couple years since building the greenhouse and I'm hoping I'll be able to have larger plants and more frequent blooming now.

I think number one has great form and I'm very happy with it overall. Number two's petals are too narrow and twist forward slightly; I hope this will improve with future bloomings. On the positive side, I really like the vividness of the red on the staminode.


  • armeniacumone.jpg
    42.7 KB · Views: 45
  • armeniacumtwo.jpg
    35.9 KB · Views: 34
I'm having a reasonably good season for parvis given the small number of them I have..


The 25-growth micranthum bloomed for the first time, an antec vietnamense bloomed, and I have a crop of a half-dozen or so delenatiis in bud as well as a few other species and hybrids.
Looking good, as the plants beef up, they flowers will get better. Especially the one that has the better form.
.... I put a bunch of paphs outside late last fall for a few weeks of 40 degree nights and it helped.....

.... I have had trouble with armeniacum for years and barely kept them alive (lost a couple, actually)....

Very interesting experience!!! Are you talking about parvis only, or other species too??

Same experience with armeniacums, none has ever flowered:eek:!!!

The first pic's bloom is really good!!!

They both have their good points, don't they!
I think so too Dot.

Tenman, did the armeniacum and micranthum put up sheaths in the late fall/winter? Or did they just go straight to spike and bloom this spring?

Did you have a brighter than normal winter too?

i love armeniacums, i have a few but have never gotten them to flower
I think so too Dot.

Tenman, did the armeniacum and micranthum put up sheaths in the late fall/winter? Or did they just go straight to spike and bloom this spring?

Did you have a brighter than normal winter too?

Um, nope, it takes forever once you see the nascent bud til the flower opens, 2-3-4 months; as bad as malipoense - well, almost - that one can take up to six months.

Winter was dreary, actually darker than normal, which is saying something for an area that is the second cloudiest city in the US.
No such thing as a bad armeniacum. Any armeniacum you can bloom is a great armeniacum! Some are fantastic and huge, some are not...but I'll be glad to have the most ordinary armeniacum if it can bloom for me!