The person below me game......

  • Thread starter Bluefirepegasus
  • Start date
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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False, but i have ordered some (12) plants, though!!!

TPBM is going to have a Lord of the Rings movie night with their friends...!!!
false to charles
false to tocarmar because i'm workin' right now....

tpbm is freaked out by the temps next week which will be sub zero...
funny thread...

false to Likespaphs, I love the cold weather and wish it would be below 0°c more often here in Basel, Switzerland...

TPBM knows me from another forum...
weekend? which weekend? did we have weekend? sorry... I had to work saturady an dsunday, due to a stupid Interim Analysis in my project :(

TPBM, has already ordered more than 5 plants this year!
False! I should fix that!

I'm playing hookey today but should be working. ... but then I got out of the office at 1am so.....

tpbm will have a 4 day weekend over Martin Luther King Jr Day and Inauguration Day!
true, but inadvertently (i'm suppose to work holidays and didn't realize i was taking mlk day off)

tpbm has his/her orchid society meeting next week.
nope, have to rearrange my grow carts and maybe consolidate probably no more room

tpbm would be happy if ramon (hello!) were to have more of our cold weather over there in switzerland!
False but what concert?

[Dropkick Murphys at the Congress (Chicago).]

Cold with fluffy snow, yes, cold with anything else or nothing at all, no. (Aside from the required dormancy for growing things around here, I no longer see the point of winter.)

TPBM gets a little flustered when they have a particularly long list of things they need/want to do in a short period of time and comes over here to the forum to clear their head for a second--any parvi photo will do it!