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Jan 22, 2008
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elmer, nj
few months ago I went and met Clark and Chrissy at the North Jersey Orchid Society Show and Sale. lighting at the venue is horrid, and everything looks green, and even worse in pictures


Chrissy and Clark


Clark and myself; I'm holding tiny habenaria carnea tuber from ten shin

I have a bunch of pictures from the show that I might post later, but most are greeeeen.

After stopping by the deep cut show with clark and chrissy again, we stopped by their place for dinner and this was one of clark's orchids in flower




name of orchid

clark gave me a flower spike to try and hybridize an orchid that I had recently bought from orchids for you in vienna, va.

when I went to orchids for you to pick up the phrag seymour tower, I saw
this catt hybrid in flower and after taking a sniff decided it needed to go home, too :) pictures with my phone turned out terribly; it has very nice colors


sc royal beau 'hihimanu'


a month or so ago, ed hanes here had some phrag hybrid and species compots for sale; I bought a compot of five hybrids (have to look up names) and another of two phrag fischeri. they arrived very quickly, and were excellently packed! usps left the box on the front step even though it was chilly but luckily the sun was still shining on the box when I got home :eek:


these are great seedlings and are in great shape, thanks again ed!

with my order of p seymour tower from norman's orchids I also ordered
a phrag qf puanani (I think)


earlier I won a phrag andreetae from an ebay vendor from texas for a decent price


.... and after visiting with clark and chrissy, clark gave me a few of his plants, most notably this huge neofinetia falcata!


thanks clark!

and i think that's all for tonight

.... oh, misplaced these pictures from woodstream orchids open house (again have more, might post later)



Your collection is growing at a rapid pace.
That neo was from T. Meyers. Can't find tag, did you get it?
Your collection is growing at a rapid pace.
That neo was from T. Meyers. Can't find tag, did you get it?

If I bought it from Troy then he'd have a record of the sale

Yes, was buying quite a few! Been holding back for a few years. Actually have two more small orders of phrags coming this week and some bletilla coming in a few weeks
looks like a great time.
You could colour correct the photos with Photo Pad Image Editor (freeware)

thanks for the info. for phone pics i often don't try to adjust color since my 'canon photo pro' doesn't do as much for jpegs as it does for raw files, and phone pic quality often isn't nice enough for me to want to do much work with them. I do have adobe photoshop but it hasn't worked for a few years because of some deep preferences file needing to be searched down and deleted (I did it once a few years ago and despite doing again what I thought was the fix, it didn't). trying to remove and reinstall doesn't fix, even updating to another OS! clark also gave me a disc for adobe photoshop elements and I have to track down the disc (you should see my apartment :rolleyes: ) and try it out!
Oh; Ty. I appreciate it if pleiones, but I'd rather see them go to the auction here :) I've got my hands a little full at the moment and I'm supposed to have some Aussie den species flasks coming from Troy Meyers (free but shipping) so I'll have to get them going next week or so

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