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Aug 14, 2014
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New York City
Shun-Fa Golden is a primary hybrid between hangianum 'Hang118' x malipoense 'Bear'.
This is my third plant of this hybrid to bloom.
The first one was about the same size as this, and the second one was about half the size and not so fragrant.

The photo doesn't do justice as the flower is really impressive in person. Just the sheer size of it and the fragrance! :)
The length of the flower is vertically 20cm and horizontally 18cm.
Unfortunately, it is not iron-clad flat, but I enjoy having this flower around.
The fragrance is strong enough to be detected just walking by it. Sweet citrus sort of scent.

I have a second seedling from the same batch which is of the same size as this plant, so I'm looking forward to that one to come into bloom in the near future.

Very regal.

Hangianums are like the kovachii of the paph world. They increase the size of the hybrids. Unlike kovachii, hangianum actually improves the the shape consistently by rounding many segments.
wow all i had ever seen before were pale not so pleasantly formed flowers of that cross.... that one makes me wanna get a few... wonder what Sam has... hmmm....
Nice one my plant has sat there for a few years and done nothing
Is it a young seedling?? Check on the roots if anythings is left. Or you meant it is just slow?
I bought this plant and one other from the same batch as mid to large sized seedling at about 8inch wide from leaf tip to leaf tip.
They are not the best growers when it comes to speed (malipoense isn't the fastest grower, but hangianum is known for being extra slow), but both my plants grew steadily in the last three years.
Each leaf is now at over 20cm. So the plant is quite large.
wow all i had ever seen before were pale not so pleasantly formed flowers of that cross.... that one makes me wanna get a few... wonder what Sam has... hmmm....

All three I've bloomed so far have been of good quality. Only the second plant had rather smallish flower with mild scent.
But two out of three have been large flowers with strong scent! Not too bad. I recommend you grab any seedling you can find! :)
Is it a young seedling?? Check on the roots if anythings is left. Or you meant it is just slow?
I bought this plant and one other from the same batch as mid to large sized seedling at about 8inch wide from leaf tip to leaf tip.
They are not the best growers when it comes to speed (malipoense isn't the fastest grower, but hangianum is known for being extra slow), but both my plants grew steadily in the last three years.
Each leaf is now at over 20cm. So the plant is quite large.

Roots are all good I am finding this hybrid even slower than its parents so far its flowering size. Sits there looking happy and health ut being lazy lol
Do not underestimate how big SFG can get. Congrats on the enormous flower!View attachment 22706

Wow~ that one has grown into a tight clump!
My first SFG is fortunately quite compact even after having accumulated a few growths over the years, but this plant in this post is only a single growth blooming for the first time, yet the leaf is about 9in long on average!
It might stay at this size or more likely, it will grow even bigger. Yikes!!
Is SFG easier to grow and bloom as either parents? Or is it the same agonizing slow story?
I can't say much about hangianum as I have only one small seedling. So far, I would say the growth rate isn't any worse or better than typical paphiopedilum seedling of similar age.

Now, SFG, I also have very limited experience, but my first one grows and blooms reliably. It blooms at least every other year. It has bloomed one year after another in the past. Even better than malipoense for me in this regard.
The other SFG, I gave away after blooming it once. This current plant, I plan on keeping for a few years and see how it behaves.
I believe that you have to bloom paphs two three times before being able to tell how it behaves.
I've had plants that were super slow in the beginning, but once blooming once or twice, it started to pick up the speed quite a bit. Quite surprising!!
I can't say much about hangianum as I have only one small seedling. So far, I would say the growth rate isn't any worse or better than typical paphiopedilum seedling of similar age.

Now, SFG, I also have very limited experience, but my first one grows and blooms reliably. It blooms at least every other year. It has bloomed one year after another in the past. Even better than malipoense for me in this regard.
The other SFG, I gave away after blooming it once. This current plant, I plan on keeping for a few years and see how it behaves.
I believe that you have to bloom paphs two three times before being able to tell how it behaves.
I've had plants that were super slow in the beginning, but once blooming once or twice, it started to pick up the speed quite a bit. Quite surprising!!
I have a few Wossner China Moon (hangianum x armeniacum) that are so far very slow but they may still be adjusting from import from Taiwan. Do you have this one?
Wow~ that one has grown into a tight clump!
My first SFG is fortunately quite compact even after having accumulated a few growths over the years, but this plant in this post is only a single growth blooming for the first time, yet the leaf is about 9in long on average!
It might stay at this size or more likely, it will grow even bigger. Yikes!!
Ugh, I'm jealous. The one in my pic has 11in leaves. On the bright side, it has four spikes developing.

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