Question About Registering Hybrids

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Jun 9, 2006
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North central Minnesota
I have several crosses developing where one of the parents is an unnamed cross that I have bloomed from purchased seedlings or flasks. In other words, I am not the originator of the unnamed parent. Can I still register my cross (once it blooms) even if the parent remains unnamed?
Ross, yes, the parent needs to be registered first.

You are aware that you can not register your cross until it flowers.

If you check with who you bought the seedlings or flasks from they may give you the option to register their cross. If you can not locate the originator but have tried, you still have the option of naming the current non named cross.

Make sure you have checked both ways on the parents to make sure they have not been registered
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I'm not sure if Ron answered this, but you cannot register your cross until each parent has been registered. If you don't know who the originator of the cross is, you can register as "originator unknown".
Hope that helps...
The problem with one is that the info I had on the one hybridizer was lost 5 years ago when my old computer crashed and I lost her email info. Her website has been gone from the Orchid Mall for several years.

The other hybridizer is also out of business. I might be able to get her contact info through a mutual friend who has contacted her for the same reason, but I've heard she can be difficult to deal with. My friend eventually gave up on naming another cross that came from her.
There are guidelines for documenting your failed attempts at contacting a hybridizer which would give you the right to name a cross. See the RHS site Ron posted.

Google internet archieve. You can use it to find old email addresses ans web sites. Heres what they say about themselves

"The Internet Archive Wayback Machine is a service that allows people to visit archived versions of Web sites. Visitors to the Wayback Machine can type in a URL, select a date range, and then begin surfing on an archived version of the Web. Imagine surfing circa 1999 and looking at all the Y2K hype, or revisiting an older version of your favorite Web site. The Internet Archive Wayback Machine can make all of this possible."*/

Hope it helps.

as long as you attempt to locate the breeder of the parent but you will have to register the parent and wait for that to be approved before you register the seedling.