pH etc..

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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Victoria Australia
So lets talk pH again! :rollhappy:

Last night I was reading a report on mineral analysis of the leaves of 35 species of various plants growing on both alkaline soils (pH 7.5-8.5) and acidic soils (pH 4.5-6).

NPK did not vary substantially and neither did Mg and S. So we can forget those. (Although it is highly likely that limestone plants get higher nitrate/ammonium ratios than silicate plants)
Surprisingly, Zn also did not vary too much either. Slightly higher in the acidic soils.

The concentrations are not as important here as the difference between the 2 samples.
As expected, Cu, B, and especially Fe and Mn were much higher in the acidic soil leaves and of course Ca was much higher in alkaline soil leaves.

Mo was not included but it is well known that Mo becomes much more available in the neutral to alkaline range. (very low at about pH5 or so).
And remember too that Mo is vital for nitrate use!

Results....Mean for Calcareous soils:
B 3.4 * Zn 1.08 * Cu 0.15 * Fe 1.2 * Mn 1.7 * Ca 374.
Results....Mean for Silicate soils:
B 4.3 * Zn 1.17 * Cu 0.18 * Fe 2.1 * Mn 5.7 * Ca 208.

Below is the availability of nutrients and various pH values.

This one is better. It has nice colours to guide us :)

We need to keep in mind also that in organic soils, Fe Cu and Zn are more tightly held than in mineral soils. (leaf mold and fern roots vs limestone rock face for example.)

After wondering how I could alter my fertilizers to better meet the needs of my Paphs (calcareous vs non calcareous) Adding higher concentrations of something or removing something else is next to impossible without a lab. Especially after looking at Xavier's analysis for wild mastersianum, emersonii etc. Iron was low and sometimes vanishingly low! So removing Fe from commercial fertilizers is a major interest!
In Xavier's cultivated plant tests , Mo became almost non-existent and nitrate levels went way up! Increasing Mo would not work well in the low pH anyway. You could reduce nitrate but that doesn't solve the Iron problem.....

Avoiding things like metal toxicity especially Iron and ensuring sufficient Mo and Ca for the limestone plants, and making sure non-limestone plants are getting enough Manganese etc.etc.

I decided the easiest way is simple pH adjustment. If we keep the water and fertilizer solutions for the calcareous Paphs around neutral and acidify the solutions and water for the remaining kinds to pH 5. We should go a long way to keeping things in the correct order. At pH 7 Mo is much more available and nitrate should be utilised better. Fe becomes almost out of reach (particularly in bark). At pH 5 Fe is readily available. (think rhododendron gardenia and citrus. They need low pH to get enough Iron. Now think about henissianum, callosum and sukhakulii. pH 7 would be too high for them I would think.
I have been acidifying all my tap water to from just over 7 to about 5.5 and giving that to everything.
My plan now is to change that to 7 (rain or tap) for the C/Paphs and 5 (or even lower) for the A/Paphs. I intend to use limestone dissolved in water to adjust up and lemon juice or some other acid to adjust down.
You can always add certain nutrients (like Mn or Fe or B or whatever) separately if you want later. But changing the availability to help avoid possible problems is what I'm talking about right now.

What do you think?
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I think that the ONE study that generated that first chart, which used ONE fertilizer formula in ONE soil, greatly overstates things.

Soils, particularly those high in organic matter and raw clay, have a high CEC, and that's what determines what gets trapped and what doesn't, and is greatly affected by pH. If it's trapped by the soil, it's not in the solution, so is unavailable to the plant

In our - mostly-hydroponic - culture (no matter what the medium, as they all have comparably low CEC's), I believe that if it's in solution, it's available to the plants.
making Your own fertiliser is not THAT difficult, I make my own and am very satisfied with it.
Btw. made a new batch with more potassium and a bit more iron. However keep ZN, Mn B and Cu higher than commonly seen and Fe lower.
So, your plants are growing great; why is it that you want to monkey with everything? :)
I know, we are human and can't help tinkering but experience has shown that if you find the sweet spot the worst thing to do is to start throwing pipe wrenches in a china shop

That said, I'm always interested in theoretical discussion and what people have to say

Elmer Nj
I think it is interesting to try, Mike.

When Ray pointed out the applicability of textbook nutrient availability figure, I looked into this a little bit. The figure is summation of several processes, which include at least the following 3 steps: nutrient leaching/retention in the media (related to CEC), nutrient retention within the cell walls, and transport rate into the cell. The 1st aspect is quite different for orchids as Ray has been pointing out. Here is a similar figure which can be used to compare the nutrient availability in high CEC soil vs hydroponic (or soilless media):


There are some differences, but I'm not sure if it influences Mike's logic, though. But it does point out the optimum pH is generally lower in soilless media than in soil.

With regard to the leaf mineral analysis, could the large variation in the contents (e.g. Mn) indicate that it is less important? The plants have to adapt to the environment, and if they haven't come up with the mechanisms to obtain the macro nutrients, they can't survive. So the plants in acidic and alkaline soils don't differ much in NPK, Mg, S. But plants don't have to have lots of Mn, so there are some variations.
Cation-exchange capacity is not a measure of what is trapped by the soil and therefore unavailable, it is a measure of cations retained by soil that are available for exchange with soil solution and therefore are available to plants. High CEC represents a soil's capacity for sustaining fertility rather than allowing all nutrients to be washed away by the next moisture that passes through it. Any nutrients that are somehow trapped by soil and unavailable for plants are not related to CEC.
Maybe it's just a matter of semantics, PMM. If the soil holds it and prevents it from being washed away, it seems to me that it is not allowing it to readily dissolve...
Naoki thanks for that soiless chart. So the media does make some difference. Nitrates pulls the ph around the roots high so maybe other N sources should be used instead.

Mike, how do you know that high nit/ammo ratio is good for cal plants? Is this working for you in paphs?

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Maybe it's just a matter of semantics, PMM. If the soil holds it and prevents it from being washed away, it seems to me that it is not allowing it to readily dissolve...

It does not have to dissolve. The roots have their on CEC ability to reverse the ionic bond the soil holds the nutrient with and pull it in to the root.

The dissolving of the nutrients was done before it attached to the soil particles.
What got me thinking about the availability factor came after a second look at Roths figures for mastersianum. I always assumed this plant came from acidic environments. I think this may not be the case. I had three small plants of mastersianum. 1 is dead the second will probably be dead soon enough. The third is growing but I cannot get it to green up. I don't think I have seen any plants of this species with good colour, yet according to Xavier, they should be dark green.

But have a look at the numbers. Compare the Fe in the jungle plants to the Fe in the ''chlorotic'' plants. The difference of a factor greater than 10!
Same with the Mo. A difference of 10.
It seems impossible that a plant coming from an acidic habitat would have such low Iron in it's leaves. Either the Fe is just extremely rare in that habitat or it's availability is very low due pH or both.
The nitrate build up is in the leaves of the chlorotic plants is extrodinary.
Something is definitely not right there.
It is possible that in the habitat the Mo just happens to be high and the Fe just happens to be very low. I suspect that more probably they are in forms which are available and unavailable respectively. A rise in pH will do this if we look at the pH charts.

Page 2. Post #19 here.

The same goes for the emersonii.

I'm just throwing out the questions. I don't know exactly what's going on. For example; The Mn and Zn in the leaves of the jungle plants is high yet the Fe is low. In the chlorotic plants, the Mn is not far different to the ''beautiful plants'' This possibly suggests that the form of Fe we give (usually chelates) is too readily available? and/or the high Mn in the habitat is depressing Fe assimilation?
If that is the problem, how do I go about reducing the Fe from a fertilizer?
Would a fert with Fe in the sulphate form be better? Would increasing the Mn concentration help? (that is easy! :D)
This still does not solve the Mo thing......

Iron can be extremely toxic to plants which don't tolerate it. Even very low amounts. The symptoms for Mn deficiency are similar!

@Geo, Nitrification is only very slow at a pH below about 6. If we observe the pH data from various orchid habitats, it seems that generally, volcanic or silicate type soils are quite low. Even 4 or 5 is common. For limestone areas, values of around 6 to neutral are more common. This would suggest that nitrification is higher in the limestone habitats when compared to the others.
Nitrate also depresses Fe.
It might be a mistake to assume that plants growing on limestone have their roots receive water with a high pH.
I've measured pH of water trickling over plant roots attached to limestone and the pH was 7.0. In these habitats maybe the majority of water moving to the roots is close to being pure rainwater still.
So first you need to decide what pH is more important to the roots the solid media or the free water.
It might be a mistake to assume that plants growing on limestone have their roots receive water with a high pH.
I've measured pH of water trickling over plant roots attached to limestone and the pH was 7.0.

Yes Lance when I say high I mean around 6.8 to 7.5 or so. I should use the word neutral really.
Btw, You are in Peru yes? Do you happen to know the general geology of the Phrag caudatum habitat?
Btw, You are in Peru yes? Do you happen to know the general geology of the Phrag caudatum habitat?

Yes I do, caudatum grows in my area.
Basically it is limestone.
Sometimes caudatum roots grow directly on rock. More often the roots are spread through a foot thick layer of living very coarse moss.
But I have found caudatum also growing in clay soil pockets and a few completely epiphytic on tree limbs. The entire habitat receives heavy rainfall year around.
I think that the ONE study that generated that first chart, which used ONE fertilizer formula in ONE soil, greatly overstates things.

Ray, this was a field study of natural plants. The same species growing in BOTH acidic AND alkaline habitats. Therefore the differences in leaf nutrient concentrations are due to differences in availability and/or concentration in the soils.
Yes I do, caudatum grows in my area.
Basically it is limestone.
Sometimes caudatum roots grow directly on rock. More often the roots are spread through a foot thick layer of living very coarse moss.
But I have found caudatum also growing in clay soil pockets and a few completely epiphytic on tree limbs. The entire habitat receives heavy rainfall year around.

Thanks. Interesting. My caudatum has extremely deep green leaves and doing well!
Lance, my understanding is that plants do not take in atoms, they take in ions, which means, in solution.

Yes the ions move from the soil to roots in solution, water between soil and root...very close distance. But they don't have to be "dissolved" to be released from the ionic bond to the soil. They were already dissolved from salt form and turned into ionic form before CE with the soil occurred. The nutrient salts are first dissolved into solution then they bond to the soil particles as ions.

It's a little difficult to write the explanation, maybe I did not word this correctly?
Says here that the Fe EDTA is 50% unavailable at above pH 6.5!

"In this respect, choice of the form of nitrogen fertilizer is significant. Ammonium nitrogen increases proton release by roots, thus lowering pH and facilitating iron uptake.

Nitrate nitrogen enhances the release of hydroxide ions that increase pH in the root zone and counteract efficient iron uptake."

That is stated in the article above and that is what I meant. So to minimize iron uptake use more of nitrate and calcium. You want more, use ammonium.

Also, I want to say this again, in nature potential balance must be achieved and so is the charge between the roots and its surrounding in contact to it. So the charge between the roots and media or solution must be neutral to promote healthy growth. Any uptake of anion or cation by the roots, the roots/plants have to provide an ion to neutralized the charge between them.

The question is how do we provide in ratio to make sure the availability of these nutrients will be more our less balanced, meaning more or less balanced supply of anions and cations?