Paphiopedilum micranthum fma album (What’s the deal?)

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Aug 28, 2020
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Hey everyone. I have a question that may sound ignorant but here goes. P. micranthum is my all time favorite Paph. I have regular type and eburneum (my favorite). I would, as I know many would, love to have an album type. I understand that micranthum is very difficult to propagate from seed, but from my understanding album has been present in some collections for many years. Why is it still so rare? I know it’s form can be weaker and less uniform but is its survival rate lower?

Also, of course, if you have any leads for finding one for sale, please let me know. Yeah yeah, I know.

Also, just for the heck of it. I have posted one of my (imho) best P. micranthum eburneum that is currently blooming! This is a Paph Paradise plant that has not disappointed. Thanks!


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very nice eburneum!!!I don t know the reason but albino form is rare and expensive indeed.I have one from popow orchids( EU), i paid 300 euros for an nbs plant.
I have two micbums here. One from Popow like Istvan and another from OrchidInn. Both blooming size but no blooms yet. At least they are still growing.

I have another one in a GH in EU that blooms regularly but I haven’t been able to bring over just yet.

I think they like a bit drier than the normal type ones.
Recessive genetics to begin with, then add inbreeding on top of that.
Exactly! but I wonder what makes delenatii album so common (relatively speaking), easy to grow and bloom compared to things like malipoense album, micranthum album, armeniacum album...basically all other parvi album forms are super rare and very expensive. The hangianum album flask is $8,000 each. Micranthum album is much cheaper at just a few hundred dollars in comparison, but still. not willing to dive into things that might mostly turn out weak and ugly in the end. lol
Exactly! but I wonder what makes delenatii album so common (relatively speaking), easy to grow and bloom compared to things like malipoense album, micranthum album, armeniacum album...basically all other parvi album forms are super rare and very expensive. The hangianum album flask is $8,000 each. Micranthum album is much cheaper at just a few hundred dollars in comparison, but still. not willing to dive into things that might mostly turn out weak and ugly in the end. lol
Hmm not everyone is a millionare……
Mike, what did you learn?
First and foremost...patience. Lots of heat without rest when they are young. A good long rest and quite dry when they are mature and dormant. Not as much water as armeniacum when they are growing. At least 50% nitrate for most of the year. A fan 24/7 all year.
Dream: breed an ablum to a vigorous awarded regular micranthum then sib cross to hopefully get better albums. Only need twenty years!
Dream: breed an ablum to a vigorous awarded regular micranthum then sib cross to hopefully get better albums. Only need twenty years!
A few seedlings are almost always bloom much earlier than the rest. With great luck and proper culture, it's possible that some seedlings will bloom in just 3-4years out of flask. Then, do the sib cross with those. Two years later, flasks become available again, then another 3-4 years. You have the result. So, it could take only ten years in the best possible scenario! ;)