Paph xang-thong fma album - Paph Greyi fma. album

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having a soft spot for albino slipper species
Supporting Member
May 3, 2019
Reaction score
Another albino family member I like to introduce: Paph. xang-thong fma album / Paph. Greyi fma. album
Paph. xang-thong is the natural hybrid between Paph. godefroyae and Paph. niveum
Paph. Greyi is the the artificial hybrid between Paph. godefroyae and Paph. niveum
Considering this a cross between the two albino forms, it is more likely to be the artificial cross.

I am just very happy it decided to bloom and took a picture in the evening and one the next morning in sunlight.
x ang-thong.jpg
....Paph. xang-thong is the natural hybrid between Paph. godefroyae and Paph. niveum.....
Lovely flowers, Dirk. 👍
As to the state of ang-thong .... it is controversly discussed among taxonomist. According to O.Gruss it to be a natural hybrid between P. niveum x P. bellatulum (O. Gruss) or. P. godefroyae is obsolete because the plants are homozygous in propagation. Braem described it as P. godefroyae var. ang-thong and O. Gruss is joining this sight and says it's a local variety of P. godefroyae.
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Lovely flowers, Dirk. 👍
As to the state of ang-thong .... it is controversly discussed among taxonomist. According to O.Gruss it to be a natural hybrid between P. niveum x P. bellatulum (O. Gruss) or. P. godefroyae is obsolete because the plants are homozygous in propagation. Braem described it as P. godefroyae var. ang-thong and O. Gruss is joining this sight and says it's a local variety of P. godefroyae.
Thank you Rudolf for your comments. Reviewing Kew info and Gruss' 2020 book I can find your point of view. I was using information from Guido Braem's 2016 book. Whenever touching subjects where taxonomists differ in view, you know you are on a "slippery" road. You can always expect a cold voice to answer: "Come not between the Nazgul and his prey!" (ref. Lord Of The Rings) :) so I will not take any taxonomic side and just love the flower. You are always very informational and very nice, Appreciated !
As to the loveliness of the flowers, there can be no discussion! 🥰

As for the taxonomic status of 'ang-thong':
Braem described it as P. godefroyae var. ang-thong and O. Gruss is joining this sight and says it's a local variety of P. godefroyae.
And thereby these estimable gentlemen finally reaches consensus with the no less estimable Phillip Cribb, who back in 1998 (sic!) in the 2nd edition of his monograph on 'The Genus Paphiopedilum' published a small comparative study of the floral characteristics (lip length vs. petal length) of respectively P. niveum, P. godefroyae and several specimens from the Ang Thong Islands. His comparison resulted in the following conclusion: "All the [Ang Thong] plants fall within the range of variation of [P. godefroyae] in floral characters ... I would therefore, suggest that P x ang-thong ... should be included within P. godefroyae" (p. 117 f.). A scatter diagram of Cribb's comparison can be found on p. 120 in his book:
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