Paph. tigrinum 'Dana'

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John M

Orchid Addict
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Hamilton, Ontario - Canada
I've had this a long time and finally learned to grow it dry to keep it happy and get it to clump up. However, this year, when I saw it had 4 flower spikes, I began watering more. Shouldn't have done that! Arrrrrrgh! Only one made it to blooming! Ah well, next year I'll be more brutal and let it dry out often, like it prefers.



Thanks everybody. I struggled with this plant for years. Finally, I got mad and I repotted the last surviving, single growth and shoved it at the back of the bench where I sort of forgot about it. I guess I was already figuring it would die anyway. However, the neglect and dryness it experienced there is exactly what it wanted. When I "found" it a year or so later, it looked better than ever....and it was DRY! So, I repotted it into a net pot and hung it up at the front of the greenhouse. I have been very careful to let it dry thoroughly inbetween each watering, like I do for my Cattleyas. It has bloomed each year for me since then and it's been increasing in size, too. Although, it was slow to grow a good root system. Now, it's fully established in a 6" net pot and it's hanging 5' in front of a 48" exhaust fan. It's getting watered every 2 or 3 days (once a week during dull spells in the winter, when the exhaust fan is not running, of course). However, when I saw the buds, I guess I fussed a bit too much and probably watered it a day too soon, a little too often. 3 of the 4 buds rotted. Finally, even though it went against every fiber of my being, I forced myself to not water it, even when it looked dry....always waiting an extra day or two. That kept this last bud alive and the plant has many new starts coming up now, too. Man! This is a tricky species because it's needs go against everything we learn about other Paphs. It's getting pretty good light, for a Vanda (only about 50% shade).
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Nicely done! Good culture tips too.

To avoid bud-blasting, pot-watering(not to wet the plant and flower sheath) is a must based on my own experience.
Thanks Tom. I am a wet grower; always spraying water everywhere and thoroughly wetting the foliage, flowers, etc. This is the first year I had trouble with bud blasting with this plant. However, it could've been because of getting the buds wet; or it could've been because of watering just a little too often because I was "babying" it again. I hope it tries to multi bloom again next year and I will certainly be thrifty with the watering and as you suggest, I will also ensure to not get the buds wet, either. After all, now that it's in bloom, I move it every day so that I don't get water in the pouch when I spray. I'll just have to begin doing that while it's still in bud, that's all. It will be worth the effort if I get 4+ blooms all at once!
Beautilful :)
I've been looking at this species, but they are rare around here, and very expensive, so once I get one I'll try your method.
Nice one...and sorry to hear about the buds gone to heaven!

I know the feeling, as I killed a couple of plants, before I finally succeed in flowering this tricky li'l thing!

Next year your reward will feel so much greater, when you get them all to flower! :D
Great plant John! Thanks for culture tips. Sorry to hear about the other buds. I've got a tigrinum in low bud thats been sitting in the crown for over 6 months. Is this normal? Trying to keep it on the dry side
Great plant John! Thanks for culture tips. Sorry to hear about the other buds. I've got a tigrinum in low bud thats been sitting in the crown for over 6 months. Is this normal? Trying to keep it on the dry side

Yup. The buds show up many months before they actually do anything. Just don't overwater and it should finally grow up and bloom for you. Good luck!