Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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I can live with the first photo but that second is too busy in the back ground.
Thanks for posting! (PS. love your tigers!)
Well I appreciate the time and trouble you went through to show us your PEOY. Also since you are in Walnut Creek and I don't think you are a member of any local societies, you may want to know that Sam Tsui will be coming to the Speaker's Day that the California Sierra Nevada judging center holds out in Sacramento. Its Aug 3, 9-5, 1831 Howe Ave (at Alta Arden). He'll take preorders which'll save you 15%. You can pick them up at the event. I can't rememebr what his topic will be, but eventually I'll have the info on the web page at
Lovely flowers, the background is a bit busy, which makes it a bit difficult to concentrate on the flowers ( could be my poor old eyes that are at fault)
Tough crowd here! Yes, I've been meaning to get some backdrop stuff....these things take time, where do I get one of those anyway? Thanks mormodes on that info, I've been meaning to look into it.
I wasn't trying to be rude, but holding the plant while trying to photograph makes the job so much harder.
You don't necessarily need a backdrop if you use a stool for the plant and a tripod and a large aperture to blur the background (of have the plant further from the greenery).
Its a nice flower and deserves a nice photo to show it off to its best.
Tough crowd here! Yes, I've been meaning to get some backdrop stuff....these things take time, where do I get one of those anyway? Thanks mormodes on that info, I've been meaning to look into it.

I put the info about the Speaker's Day on the web page. ( If you are an AOS member or a member of a local society you can get in for the $10. I have contact info for Sue (who sells the advance tix) on the web page.

In terms of cheap backdrops I just used to use the wall of my house (solid neutral color, stucco). I think all anyone really wants to see is a plain, solid background. As for the rest of it, ferget 'em if they can't take a joke. *G* For example their requests for a picture of the whole plant made me stop posting pics here. I'm freaking lucky to get a pic of a flower, and they want the *whole Plant*??? ACK!! So pfft. Having said that now that Flickr has upped their free space I may just break out the ol' camera again. I shouldn't be so sensitive. (blush) I have to remember that we are all just people here.
Lots of us like to see pictures of the whole plant. It helps us understand how foliage relates to the flower, how it grows, etc. Please don't be put-off by that.

Most resources show photos of the flower, but few actually show what the plant looks like.
black velvet it is, I'll look around, no worries guys, no offense taken. I've seen some awesome pictures from other members here, hope I can do the same.
:drool::drool::drool: NICE PEOY!!! :clap::clap: It's multi season!
......In terms of cheap backdrops I just used to use the wall of my house (solid neutral color, stucco). I think all anyone really wants to see is a plain, solid background...
other inexpensive backdrops can include curtain panels & bed sheets at the dollar stores!