Paph. hangianum 'First Class Charlie'

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John M

Orchid Addict
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Hamilton, Ontario - Canada
This one bloomed at the same time as 'April'. It had a natural spread of 14cm and smelled awesome as well! This plant survived my freeze in March 2008. It was one of the lucky ones that was in the middle of the greenhouse at the point furthest from any outside wall and where most of the undamaged plants were found the next morning. That location is where the overnight temp reading was -1*C; meaning that the perimeter of the greenhouse, where most of the dead plants were, got even colder than that. Not only does it obviously have better form, I like that it also has a clearer yellow tone than 'April'; although, it did have a very short stem. I have selfed this plant and should have flasks in the future.




Paph. hangianum 'First Class Charlie' (left) and 'April' (Right)
OMG! I want it! I want it! I want it!!

Guess I'm just gonna have to move to another country where the government has more sense if I'm ever gonna get one of those! I'd say I'll take a flask but I'm not allowed to have even that here.:confused:
wow!! 2 hangianums in bloom, they are so beautiful! What's your secret?? :p:D
Do they have the same fragrance or different??
Stunning. Wonderfully grown and gorgeous!

I wish we could have legally propagated hangianums in the US. To my knowledge you still aren't supposed to.

II dare say that is the best hangianum flower I have seen so far. I have not see millions of hangianum yet, but yours is probably the best.
HOLY CRAP! that one on the left is absolutley unbelievable. no question superior to the gold medal one awarded in taiwan recently. maybe not quite the NS but just remarkable.
Good stuff John, good stuff. The "FCC" clone is multi, is this the first time to bloom for you? Just wondering if this is a re-bloom since the freeze or did the plant throw multiple growths after the freeze.
Words are not enough.
This flower is among the very best I have seen so far on many websites from various countries.
Wow....thanks everybody! I was VERY pleased when this opened for me.

It will take awhile; but, I will announce when I've got flasks.

I don't have a secret Jorch. They just got the same care as everything else. Yes, they had the same fragrance.

Smartie, I saved the pollen to use later.

Yes Rick, this is the first time to bloom for me. Each plant had bloomed once before (first bloom seedlings), just prior to me acquiring them. Only the 'F.C.C.' clone went through the freeze. I got the 'April' clone just after the freeze in a collection buyout when I was restocking. The bloom on 'F.C.C.' is on a growth that was young at the time of the freeze. After the freeze, it put out two more growths, which have not bloomed yet.