Paph dayanum

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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This is the first of my group to bloom. I have at least one more that will be blooming within the next few weeks, maybe two. I had more, but lost them to bud blast while I was away *sigh*

Anyway, I'm pretty happy with the form of this dayanum. As you can see, this is the yellow-green leaved type. The colors in the petals and pouch are not especially strong... I'm chalking that up to warm temperatures at this point... the next one should be darker (if temps have anything to do with it). According to Birk, there is a lowland variety and a highland variety, and the lower elevation ones tend to be a little more pale... so that could also be the issue.

Here's a pic of just the bloom:


And one with the leaves...


As Ever,
Matthew Gore
This was one of the first paphs I ever saw in bloom in person and is still a favorite of mine. The mottling of the leaves, and the size of the flower completely blew me away and hooked me early on.

Glad to see one blooming, as they don't seem to be very common anymore. I can't decide if the flower looks like a wizard or something Paris Hilton would wear though with all those whiskers.

I was actually pretty surprised at the size of this bloom... I was expecting something smaller. This one isn't massive for the species, but its a nice sized bloom... 13.5 cm across.

- Matt
Looks great Matt. I have one in bud now too. Came from Hellen Hersch who said it was a Euro import.

I'll post as soon as its open.
:rollhappy: :rollhappy: :rollhappy: Gonna start throwing punches around here soon.:rollhappy:

That is a neat flower. I'm not usually a species person either. Oh dear.:wink: