Paph. barbatum and Denzien of the Grow Room

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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A gift from a wonderful friend blooming in the grow room.

Snapped this guy while down there as well. (Looks scary but is only about 1/4" long)

That's a pretty barbatum. What is the flower span?

The jumping spider pic is awesome. They get regular territories to hang out in, and can be pretty tame. I've had some that would grab flies out of my fingers.
A very colourful representative of my favourite species... :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: How do you grow yours, temperature wise? I have tried a few and all expired in the end.. :sob:

They are in the basement so winter temps are a challenge. 75 max in winter down to 60 at night. Summer they go outside with the rest of the gang so it'll get up to 95+ in daytime and in the 70s at night. Probably not optimal, but so far so good.
I love those jumping spiders. I never kill them...hopefully they'll eat some bugs.
Nice barbatum. Just try imagine how that spider sees us with it's many coumpoud eyes. We probably look even more terrible.
Barbatums are not my thing BUT that is one FANTASTIC one! :drool::drool:
and the spider is darn cute too!