P. villosum var. boxallii fma. atratum - first time bloomer

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Oh my gosh, are my eyes deceiving me? A flower from a 3-leaved single growth plant?

The flower has very nice coloring for atratum esp the dorsal spotting.

But to keep the plant alive 'longer', I would remove flower and put in a vase to enjoy and let the plant conserve energy to start a new growth.
But to keep the plant alive 'longer', I would remove flower and put in a vase to enjoy and let the plant conserve energy to start a new growth.
Leslie, you are as (almost) always right! My only excuse for having parked my head under my arm might be the prolonged consequences of the covid-infection on my cognitive abilities! Thank you for providing support for my slightly impaired executive functions (lack of oversight, faulty planning, etc.) - it's nice to have "Somebody to Lean On"! :)
Oh my gosh, are my eyes deceiving me? A flower from a 3-leaved single growth plant?......

These were my thoughts too when I saw the photo. The plant is tiny and has produced nonetheless such a lovely flower. I hope you enjoy this flower in a vase as well as I enjoy it on your photo. Good luck and hopefully the plant gets the curve (survives).
Leslie, you are as (almost) always right! My only excuse for having parked my head under my arm might be the prolonged consequences of the covid-infection on my cognitive abilities! Thank you for providing support for my slightly impaired executive functions (lack of oversight, faulty planning, etc.) - it's nice to have "Somebody to Lean On"! :)
I have these 3 multigrowths atratums that are not showing buds at all. The could learn a few things from yours! Please lecture them for me?
