Our orchid addictions

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addiction is a complicated process..if you are truly 'addicted' to orchids and not just a bit obsessed, it can create real problems (finances, marriage, etc) like any real addiction..when I wasn't happy in my marriage, my orchid collecting became an addiction and it caused real problems in my marriage...I ended up not only leaving my wife but also realizing that when I left, the orchids had become a distraction so that I wouldn't have to deal with the new challenges in my marriage. I realized that my connection to the orchids were because of my resistance to healing. Within 3 months after leaving the marriage, I sold all my collection and felt relief. It wasnt until ten years later that I was able to see orchids in a different light
One in five Americans also suffers from extreme stress, which can lead to panic attacks, anxiety, depression, gastrointestinal problems, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, stroke, heart attack, chronic fatigue, dementia, and a long list of addictive behaviors

Big pharmas are hard at work keeping "American Institute of Stress; Anxiety Disorders Association of America; National Institute of Mental Health" under their thumbs. They have pills for every stressful condition.:D

If you live long enough, you will encounter any of the above illnesses and since we all come to this world with an expiration date, we will all expire from one or two of the above-mentioned "extreme stress?" related cause.

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