Nobile Dendrobium NOID

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Grand Chupacabra
Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
Central North Carolina
Yay! My first nobile type to bloom in my care so I'm unabashedly patting myself on the back. Dendrobiums and I don't tend to get along very well, though I do love and admire them. This particular plant grows like a weed and puts up with everything. I've attempted to get it to bloom the past few years but only managed to get keikis, so this year I said screw it. It was either going to die or bloom. I stopped watering in October (which I tried before), but then I also left this plant out in night temperatures as low as the mid 20F/-3C with no apparent issues. Eventually the buds formed and for awhile I assumed it was more keikis. However, luck was on my side, I got flowers this year!

Despite being a NOID and the difficulty I have getting this to bloom in my warm, temperate climate I have to say it makes a great foliage house plant even if it never blooms. Seemingly very easy to grow, I just give it lots of light, water, and fertilizer in spring and summer, then ignore it fall and winter, giving it just enough water to keep the bulbs from completely drying up and whatever light I can manage.

If you have a relatable description of the fragrance on these nobile types, I'd love to hear it. It's beautiful, distinct, and I don't know anything else that really smells like it. I'd say the smell is floral, with peppery base notes, and infused with sweetness.



Beautiful! Growth habit and blooms look consistent with species nobile. If it's a hybrid then I think it's a pretty old-timey one.
Thanks guys. While I know it'll always be a NOID, strictly speaking, I'm glad to hear your thoughts particularly given my lack of knowledge of this group.

It wouldn't surprise me if it happens to be pure D. nobile because the source of this plant offers a pretty extensive selection of species including dozens of Dendrobium species.

Also, I just re-read the IOSPE entry for D. nobile and I have to say, it's pretty spot on.
Nice, I have no luck with Dendrobium because we over water and temperature issues. Congrats.

Oh you and I are definitely cut from the same cloth on that front. It takes every ounce of of will power in my body to cut off watering from the cacti and succulents but at least they look like they can handle it. When it comes to depriving an orchid I don't know how I manage.

The temperature thing is hit or miss for me. I certainly can't provide it indoors at my current location. However, we had a somewhat mild fall and winter here with numerous stretches where the night temperatures, while low, were conducive to leaving this Dendrobium (and a couple cymbs) out for extended periods. The difference is this Dendrobium bloomed, while the Cymbidiums did not.
You and I have the same average results for owning dendrobiums; I like them but they don’t like me (indoor growing). I’m sure lots of things would handle a greenhouse
Nice flowers and congrats!

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