Nicholle Tower 4N

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Multiflorals assassin
Jul 6, 2011
Reaction score
Montreal PQ
First blooming of a division that I got last fall from Glen.
For some reason, I prefer the 2N version. This one looks like a mix between
an Eric Young and Saint Peter...
Any thoughts ?


Lol.. ok you have another GREAT PHRAG, where do you get them? This one is bad ass, better than award quality!!!
thanks Troy. I think that I'm too blazé and should appreciate more what is growing and flowering under my care. :)

Yes, I got both plants from Glen (Pipingrockorchids)
Wow, you got good plants from him!!! My phrags grow and multiply like crazy but will not bloom, could be overfertilizing? Roy takayama said something about that, this flower is large with beautiful coloring, glen is speaking at my orchid society next month, I'm gonna hit him up!!
It is definitely less red than most Nicholle Towers although that might partially be a factor of it blooming in the summer. I am with you though, I prefer most of the 2N Nicholle Towers I have seen.

The plant also looks MUCH bigger than my 2 clones of 2N Nicholle Towers. Are the flowers proportionately as large? It is always hard to gauge how big they are in pictures. Personally what I find a bit off on yours is the pouch, while it looks to have very good substance, it also looks like the extra genes made its rim a little "crusty."

It is certainly no dog and to a degree the color is quite nice, I am just used to them being much more vibrantly red.

Just my 2 cents...
I like the yellow and the soft pink also, the chatter on the pouch doesn't bother me, although might go away next blooming
Just a pic of my Nicholle Tower. Which unfortunately ' bit the dust' last year when I experienced an advanced stage of plants coming away from the roots. Thought it was crown rot but couldn't guarantee this was the cause.

The pic is a pic of a pic!!?


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Interesting. The ploidy must have been increased thru colchicine treatment. I am not sure about the shape but the color is very nice. Yay besseae hybrids!
A very clear and bright yellow and a large and distinctive pouch - I'd love to get something as good as that over here. Though it does not look like Phraggy's Nicholle Tower, it is a very nice one, too. Just different.
Just a pic of my Nicholle Tower. Which unfortunately ' bit the dust' last year when I experienced an advanced stage of plants coming away from the roots. Thought it was crown rot but couldn't guarantee this was the cause.

The pic is a pic of a pic!!?

I bought my division because of that picture! :)
I'd cry if I'd lost a plant such as yours. There ain't much to do when rot sets in
beside pray and use lots of cinnamon and alcohol. Letting it dry completely between watering and not fertilize seems to help. Also, I find that while treating
with cinnamon/alcohol, a spray of a mix of orthene+mancozeb seems to help dry out the affected area. But you need to act fast.