Neem oil

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Hello all,

Today I received a bottle of neem oil. It is quite thick like honey in a shielded botttle. Is it it's true form??? In case I would like to use it on plants (by spraying I suppose...) could anyone give me some instructions on how to use it (dosage, disolver etc)...or any other tips that could be useful!!! Thank you very much in advance!!
Here's my solution: 20ml Neem oil with 45ml regular liquid dish soap and a few drops of essential oil. I use eucalyptus oil strictly for a better odor. Mix with lukewarm water in a liter. Make only the quantity you're going to use as it doesn't keep good for much more than a day.

An alternative mix contains 6ml Neem oil, 2,5 ml dish soap mixed in one liter with half lukewarm water and half isopropyl alcohol.

You have to apply it undiluted by spreading with a butter knife. KIDDING! What % neem is it? The 60-70% stuff we've used is thick, about like olive oil, and flows enough to pour decently.

I recall seeing a post somewhere here about thinning up neem by double boiler or microwave???
If there aren't instructions on the package it's like 5 tablespoons to the Gallon, add a few drops of dish detergent as a dispersal agent. if its too thick to flow out warm up the bottle w/ hot water. BTW, if it's warm and sunny when you apply it you will smother your plants so mist w/ straight water first! I use neem w/ a pesticide for the knock-out combination! Go Paquiou!
If there aren't instructions on the package it's like 5 tablespoons to the Gallon ....
:confused: that sounds like an ungodly amount! How about 1 tsp/quart. Neem is neem, if it's pure there shouldn't be that kind of difference in amount.
:confused: that sounds like an ungodly amount! How about 1 tsp/quart. Neem is neem, if it's pure there shouldn't be that kind of difference in amount.

If someone has 100% pure neem and I have 60% neem, they be using almost half as much as I would.

I DO read instructions, especially on chemicals.
Thank you all for the info...:)

Ernie, the seller says it is 100% pure. I just shoke the bottle intensely and it was homogenised and behaves like oil... LOL!! I had no idea...:D Maybe also because it sat in room temprature for some hours...

Rose is that a teaspoon or tablespoon / quart?

Oh, I just got an answer from seller telling me to apply 10ml oil to 1 litre warm water, add small little fingernail piece of natural unscented soap, whisk vigorously until a lather forms (what is a lather??), leave to cool for 1 hour, add to sprayer and spray. I will use liquid dish soap.

And there are no instructions.....just saying oil from neem seeds. Not for medicinal use. There is the company name though!!

Thanks again!!!! :D:D:D:D:D