My Spring and Summer Flowers 2023

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Nov 13, 2022
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At first pics from my Paphiopedilum godefroyae and P. leucochilums.
The first pic is from Paph. godefroyae Black variety (Black x Black). Not really anything special with this, unfortunately. The posted picture on the vendor's site was different. Of cause, it`s obvious that they are just example pics, the variation can be huge, especially when the plants are grown from seed. I still wish it would be closer than that. One would need meristem/cloning for that, but it is impossible with Paphs as you know. I wish I could post that example picture, but that is not possible. That flower had such nice round dorsal and petals, and the flower was covered totally with dark red or dark purple dots, with a white rim. Even the pouch is colored the same way, with only one tiny white spot whit a brighter red color. The only thing I was really surprised about is the completely white pouch. The pouch has tiny red spots inside it the whole way down. It opened the flower on Holy Saturday. The other plant from the Black Variety might look darker because it has blackish/dark purple coloration also on top of the leaves. Must keep my fingers crossed. 😊 Also, when the black color does not occur naturally in nature, there are many throwbacks to the normal variety, even if they choose two of the darkest varieties.

The four following pics are from a plant labelled P. godefroyae but have a completely white pouch. I really do love this one.
Then there is a picture of a flower that is labelled P. godefroyae var. leucochilum but for the first time for me in all these years, it is without a pouch. So, it is impossible to say which it is. The last pics are from my second P. S Gratrix. The dorsal is a bit wonky but otherwise, it`s flat and beautiful. NS is 9 cm.
There are more flowers open and I`ll add them when I have more time.

Just one more story, even that it has nothing to do with orchids, but with NATO. Here we had on Feb. I think, NATO troops practicing in Lappland Northern Finland. The soldiers from the US came from AK and MO. Those guys from Alaska said that they are used to the freezing weather. The temperature was at the time roughly between -25 degrees Celsius and -40 degrees Celsius. But they said that in Alaska, there is never so much snow as in Lappland. The soldiers from Montana said that here is SO COLD! But they all seemed and said to be happy to learn, not only how to ski, but how to ski and fight on skis. (Ski-borne troops).
What! 😱 I don't understand. I had several pictures attached when I pushed the post thread button. Very odd, I have succeeded before. Sorry everyone and Rudolf. Sh... must try again.


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Hi everyone,
Here is my Paph. Ansun. It took a little over two months before it finally started to open the flower. It is a bit more yellow today, but less than before. The second one is an Rlc. Taiwan Morning Call. As you can see, only two normal flowers out of six. It flowered for about six weeks and had a lovely scent, it stopped flowering just last week. A lovely little thing.
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Hi, finally some time to upload some photos. The first two pics are Doctor Jack x QF Winona, which when it opened, did for some reason turn itself sideways. Not so a nice flower, ok, but short dorsal and... And the third one is a godefroyae alba slowly progressing. Then there are some Hardy orchids, Gymnadenia conopsea, and Dactylorhiza sambucina, which should be much darker than this is. Then comes Gymnadenia odoratissima, which is Vanilla scented. And finally, is Platanthera bifolia which has a wonderful scent late in the evening and at nighttime.
I don`t know if you are interested in these. Please let me know if you want to see more pics of the so-called Hardy Orchids or not.


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Hi Annica, I always love all your pictures and comments! Please keep them coming!

You know albinos have a special place in my heart. I always use album instead of alba for white albinos: The rule is to always follow the gender of the genus, so for any PaphiopedilUM it will always be albUM, same as for any DisA it will always be albA , for any for PhaiUS it will always be albUS. I know there are many consistently using alba for our slippers albinos...

I would like to see more hardy orchid pictures, but would suggest to use the forum Non Slipper Orchids that way your pictures will get the full attention they deserve
Hi Annica, I always love all your pictures and comments! Please keep them coming!

You know albinos have a special place in my heart. I always use album instead of alba for white albinos: The rule is to always follow the gender of the genus, so for any PaphiopedilUM it will always be albUM, same as for any DisA it will always be albA , for any for PhaiUS it will always be albUS. I know there are many consistently using alba for our slippers albinos...

I would like to see more hardy orchid pictures, but would suggest to use the forum Non Slipper Orchids that way your pictures will get the full attention they deserve
Dear Dirgo, Thank you so much for your tremendously kind words. I apologize that it has taken me so long time to respond to your message.
And yes, you are quite right what you say, and I do know the rules. That you get when you try to be quick. ;) I wasn`t precise enough. Even the label says that Paph. godefroyae var. album. So sorry! 😊 And yes, I know you like albinos.
I will try to upload more garden orchid pics if I find the time. Today started the rain showers, so I had to come inside. My godefroyae var. album is starting to open now, so I upload two pics for you. 20230704_165228.jpg20230707_093754.jpg
Annika, your Brachies are superb and I support Dirk ... all photos of plants and flowers are welcome, the more the better.
Thank you, Vielen Danke, for your kind words Rudolf. You and Dirgo are both so kind it warms my heart. ❤️ Although others have much better comments than I do, I write also other things that have nothing to do with orchids.
Here is a last view of Paph. Ansun. It`s already gone eight weeks from opening the flower, I don`t think it will last much longer.


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