Mr Popow's Vietnamense

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2007
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Today, I saw a paph Vietnamense posted by Duck Slipper , it made me thought of those Vietnamense that Mr. Popow emailed me 15 years ago.
I am not sure I ever posted them here or not (since the photos are of his plants , so the photos' credit and the copyright belong to him as well, I probably didn't out of respect) at this moment ,I also think that if I do not post them, and they are lost, no one will ever have the chance to appreciate his Vietnamenses
In his memory, I am posting them today , also out of respect and fondness, so you can admire his flowers and remember him .CIMG0963.JPGCIMG1030.JPGPaph. vietnamense CIMG0099.jpgCIMG0154.JPGCIMG0055.JPGvietnamense dark.JPGCIMG0790.JPG
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Thanks Hien for posting these beauties. It's a nice remembrance to Boscha. I visited his nursery few times between 2008 and 2012 and it was always a pleasure to see his healthy plants and enjoy lovely flowers.
Thanks for sharing these beautiful vietnamense. The selection is phenomenal. I guess you won't find such a great variety anymore thoose days.
Thanx so much for posting so many good reasons to do so...

Question for those in the land of experienced and critical vietnamense growers...

What are folks thoughts on the 2 photos that show 'splashes' of dark color on an otherwise mostly non colored pouch?

i am truly looking for whatever thoughts folks have .... (i've been in these discussions with a few folks and am just looking for more understanding / viewpoints)
En vietnamense jeg engang havde fra Hans Christiansen, orkidegartner fra Danmark


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En anden vietnamense fra Hans Christiansen, orkidegartner fra Danmark...En af de bedre vietnamense jeg har set


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Sorry...Google automatically translated to my own language, Danish...It should say: "A vietnamense I once had from Mr. Hans Christiansen, a talented and well reputated Orchid Gardener from Denmark"...I have more photos of it, maybe not in such a good quality but here is a few more during the opening O:)


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