Moving into an old greenhouse!

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Well, I just thought I'd let people know that things are going very well in the greenhouse! I'm keeping temps between 60 and 82 or so, and humidity fluctuates between in the thirties and up into the eighties. I'm going to spend the money soon for a datalogger.
The puppy is digging into the old pesticide saturated gravel and soil, so I'm thinking I really should get more gravel for the floor to protect her. However, in the moment, I'm just going to keep better track of her and trying to train her not to dig there. Hard, since she loves to dig!
The plants are really happy! I still have lots of repotting to do, but I'll get to it when I get to it. I have a Dosatron on order, but in the meantime, it's not feeling urgent to fertilize anyway. I'm giving the flasklings feedings with the 2-gal. hand sprayer - foliar with drenching if they need it.
I have so many new plants that I despair that I hardly ever post pictures. We just had our fabulous Pacific Orchid Exposition and I had sworn no plants, but broke down... quite a lot came home with me. Several really great paph acquisitions - A WOC #15 Gloria Naugle several growth plant from Anna Chai's collection among them.
Well, I'll post pix soon again of how it's looking now and what's cooking.
Eric, it's actually not that bad. My range is NOT during one day: it's the worst day before I put shadecloth up in several areas and began to really figure out when I need to be there to wet down the gravel. And how much to wet it down, relative to the temperatures at night. I've been concerned not to have it too wet at night for the tiny seedlings when the temp remains down until morning.
Do you have fans going all the time, Chris? So far, my night-time humidity is in the 60s & 70s, but with fans moving the air constantly, I don't think there is a problem.
I do have fans going 24-7. My night humidity lately has been in high seventies and into the eighties, though. So far no signs of fungus problems other than a very few lower leaves on seedlings that weren't strong ones. I think I'm generally OK.
New question for everyone: I need a fertilizer injector. Which brand is everyone's favorite and why? And which model? I assume it's between Dosatron and Dosmatic. Others?
I have used and been pleased with both, but carry the Dosmatic Mini-Dos. It is adjustable to any ratio from 1:200 to 1:40 (I use 1:128 - 1 oz/gal - to meter my MSU RO fertilizer concentrate, mixed up at 1 lb/gal), meters consistently at flows ranging from 0.03 to 12 gallons/minute, at pressures from 6-140 psi.
um, maybe time how long it takes to fill a five gallon bucket or other container of known size?
Status update: I just cleared some bothersome non-orchid activity out of my life and today will go in and spend many hours in the greenhouse, finally! It's been an every-other-day watering and inspection period and so much repotting needs to be done that I'll be busy for weeks, it feels like. However, I'm ecstatic! I have a consultant coming tomorrow again to advise me on various questions I have, and a friend just coming to help later. I have so much joy right now in my heart over this whole thing! It's as if I'd discovered a fabulous hidden Shangri-La that I get to go to and retreat to with the puppy! (who is learning not to dig and bury her chew toys in the pesticide saturated dirt under the gravel!)
Status update: I just cleared some bothersome non-orchid activity out of my life and today will go in and spend many hours in the greenhouse, finally! It's been an every-other-day watering and inspection period and so much repotting needs to be done that I'll be busy for weeks, it feels like. However, I'm ecstatic! I have a consultant coming tomorrow again to advise me on various questions I have, and a friend just coming to help later. I have so much joy right now in my heart over this whole thing! It's as if I'd discovered a fabulous hidden Shangri-La that I get to go to and retreat to with the puppy! (who is learning not to dig and bury her chew toys in the pesticide saturated dirt under the gravel!)

I do understand!!!
I'll take some new pix tomorrow to post. I'm going in for a long session of deflasking and repotting of various kinds. Today my friend and I put up some more shadecloth just to keep everything protected until I figure out where everything will go. I suspect it's too dense, but I'll swap it out later. The weather has been stormy and it hailed here today.
I'm now clear that I'm dealing with mice beginning to get at my opening buds. I put out bait traps as I left, and some "loose" bait cubes up on the benches so the pup won't get at them. Lots of buds, spikes, happy growth is going on and I've now lost two or three buds to what I assume to be a mouse or mice. No snail trails in evidence where the stumps were left on the stalk.
If you want to know if there are snails take a regular cucumbur cut it into large chunks and spread the pieces out between your collection. If you have snails you will find them on the cucumber soon enough.

Another option would be beer traps.
You may want to rethink the bait if you have a puppy there. Mice and rats will drag and drop bait anywhere. Especially on the ground. I typically have problems every year with them,but this year I didn't. Maybe my guard chickens kept them at bay? Check out the Rat Zapper sold by Farm Tek. I love them.

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