Migrating from yahoo to ...?

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Adorable Stud
Dec 31, 2012
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Yahoo (and flickr) are being absorbed by oath. While reading the old/new services and privacy policies etc. I got the idea that the best would be using this chance and changing completely to another provider, who takes privacy seriously.

Any ideas where to go?
Just looked if those companies/servicies are obtainable at my place.
But they are no real alternative. They may not sell you(r information) but you can not opt out of direct advertising and they store all about you, your internet behaviour and - your messages.
Not an alternative.

I wonder if austity or disroot or tutanota could be alternatives for secure emailing.
I am looking for an alternative for email in the first place.

When I got my first computer time ago a neighbour and friend installed all I needed and that's why I had my account with yahoo. Those were modem-times and I didn't really need an email but a computer to write for my work.

Now, after migrating to flickr (because I already was at yahoo is one reason), I get the message every time I enter that both yahoo and flickr will be owned be oath. I am the only one to blame that I never before read the contract, but now that I did, I don't want to be tracked for any reason and the least of it is the commercial advertising.
My pc settings protect me from most of it.
But if there would be a alternative, far away from multinationals, far away from government abiding (but no tax paying) giants of modern communication industries, then 'll move.
I don't need encryption, nor is it a matter of 'nothing to hide'. It's about privacy and independence.
As I still will need some older posts I cannot quit yahoo; and in the moment I'll stay with flickr, too. But I'll get a new email-provider as soon as I can.

I'm fully aware that there will be tracking each and every time I use a 'service' that is provided by one of the usual companies (even without knowing that I am using theirs) - but I'm not a communication professional, there will be many incongruities I'm not aware of.
I see. I'm pretty sure this isn't what you want, but if you use unix-like OS (like linux or Mac OS-X), you can be quite independent. You can run your own SMTP server (e.g. sendmail) for email, and run web server (e.g apache) to host your photos like good-ol'days. But it does cost a bit of money to register your own domain name. A bit of learning curve, though.

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