long pond orchid search

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Jan 22, 2008
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elmer, nj
I went to the Happy Valley Wildlife Management area in early june to look for some arethusa bulbosa, which also goes by the name of Dragon's Mouth orchid. I was told that the previous year there had been a dozen or so flowers at a certain date, and since things seemed to be flowering quite early this year, wanted to look a bit early to see what they look like coming up in bud. I didn't find arethusa, but found a few other interesting things.


two orchids in bud whose identity I wasn't sure of, but decided later
that it was definitely rose pogonia.


a rose pogonia in bud, with an old seed pod from last year


a small slice view of part of the upper section of the pond with boggy
areas on both sides. nice water lilies flowering out on the water


swamp cinquefoil


blurry snapshot of small pitcher plant with even smaller sundew


three-leaved lower plant is bog buckbean


possibly tufted loosestrife?


very blurry snapshot of what I think is early coralroot (an orchid), gone to seed


flower of pitcher plant


on the northeastern edge of the bog, I found some nicely open
rose pogonias, quite early!


closeup of a nice rose pogonia, just opened




a colorful damselfly which posed nicely for me. i've noticed that (with some
advice from clark), if approaching animals/insects and wanting to take picture,
keep the camera over your eyes. even though the lens looks like an eye, two
eyes together seems to scare them off. I was quite close to this one


some seedling orchids growing out of a rotten nurse log. I assume that they
are platanthera clavellata (club spur orchis), but they could also be
platanthera obtusata. i'm thinking though that it would be too 'warm' in this
location for obtusata as it likes quite cooler spots like nelson swamp in very
shady conditions around the same general latitude

I wanted to come back to confirm that no arethusa had come up this year, but decided to go up to rainbow shores to look instead. this spot isn't far away, so will look again next year!
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Very nice. Thanks for taking the time to post all the pics.
Love the pitchers and the sundew was nice to.
When do RP usually bloom up there?
Thanks for the tour; lots of growing things I'd never otherwise get to see. :)

Neat tip about the eyes - thanks (and Clark too!)...
Dude- you are so lucky.

The Rose pogonia was not so good at the bog Chrissy and I visited.
Three plants. One past prime w/ blemishes. One yet to pop. And the other was nice flower, but out of reach.
That is a nice example you are showing.

Maybe when Joanne goes to Banff NP next time, she can close the gap on those pikas, and get some nice shots.
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When do RP usually bloom up there?

usually it's the middle of june when they start coming up

Contact me when the showies come up!! Thanks for posting.

um, actually that was also in the middle of june; usually it's father's day when they are flowering, but they were even earlier this year. I didn't have time or energy to go out on father's day myself this year

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