I received two kovachii hybrids in trade from someone a year or so ago, and both were sort of growing out of their pots. The one labeled kovachii x longifolium flowered nicely and then was a bit high over the media and dried out a little bit and wasn't happy. the other was labeled kovachii x eric young, and was quite high out of the pot and didn't look as happy as the other, but would consistently try to make new buds, but being in the air the leads would dry up. Finally last week as I was trying to repot everything and get most of what I could in the new orchiata-base media, I took the kovachii x eric young and dumped all the old media. It has lots of roots on the lower stem, but then quite a gap between these roots and a few leaves, and then the upper area that had a good number of new roots and leaves, plus new shoots. It would have been very difficult to put this plant in a regular pot as it would have to be very tall, but then the lower growth would be buried in the pot. There weren't new upper roots to try to cut it in half and make two plants. I looked around and found a half-gallon plastic orange juice container, so I decided to try and make a semi-hydro pot, but have the plant on it's side mostly, with the new growths just inside the media with the new buds about an inch down inside. The pot has slits in the sides for more air to get in, and a drain hole on one end to let excess water out. We'll see if this plant will sink or swim! If the new leads come out and make new roots, then maybe I will cut it in two and see if the lower half with lots of roots will make some new leads
questions, comments and concerns are always welcome, and usually expected! it was one of those what-the-heck situations, not knowing what else to do
questions, comments and concerns are always welcome, and usually expected! it was one of those what-the-heck situations, not knowing what else to do