Paph. Stone Addict
At the risk of sounding 'impatient', I guess I'll tell of my experience.
Around the end of June, I bid on an Antec plant on ebay and was sniped out of it at the last minute. So, I politely sent an email to Bob Wellenstein, who was a member here at the time, wondering if he had more available, and I received a reply that he'd look into it.
I never heard anything back.
So, in July, I happened to mention it in a thread here, and received the following public response:
Bob Wellenstein said:
Heather, you need to learn to be very patient if you are going to be a slipper grower. Lynn says she has more Paph. Stone Addicts, she just needs to get a few "emergencies" caught up to pull some out and then I will get back to you.
Lynn must really be up to her neck in emergencies, because I never heard from them again. So I emailed a polite request again last week and have again heard nothing. I even suggested just putting another up on eBay, so, it wouldn't be guaranteed to be sold to me. More auctions have been posted since.
I can understand some lag time, but I think I've been more than patient, 3 months later.
I can only assume at this point that Lynn and Bob Wellenstein simply do not want to sell this plant to me. I'm frustrated because I know they have them, and I cannot find one elsewhere. I'm also frustrated because I think it is impolite not to at least reply and say, "Heather, I'm never selling you that plant".
I suppose that is their prerogative, but seeing as Bob has been here every day and read this ongoing thread, I would think he is not too busy for a quick response.