Hello from Melbourne, Australia

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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I am new to Slippertalk and am keen to learn about paphs and phrags. I've been growing and collecting other non-orchid plants for a while and have various sized collections of aloe, echeveria, cacti (uebelmannia a favourite), carnivorous plants (mostly nepenthes) and have just recently started collecting orchids, paphs mostly but also some line bred den kingianums, and some other one-offs den moniliforme, sedirea japonica, etc.

Orchids are in a very small greenhouse with the carnivorous plants, with high humidity conditions to keep the carnivorous plants alive and plenty of air movement to keep the rot and mold away from the orchids.

Keen to learn about how to best grow paphs.


Welcome aboard.

It looks like you are getting a good start with your orchids by applying what you've already figured out for your other plants.:clap::clap:

The rest is all fine tuning.
Welcome from Greece!!!! You came to the right place for boosting up your addiction to orchids!!!!!!!!!!