haynaldianum album

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Chico (..... the clown)
Feb 19, 2013
Reaction score
Sandton, South Africa
I just don't seem to be able to grow this plant any bigger (or better). It matures a growth, and after flowering it breaks a new growth, but at the same time the old flowered growth dies back. I am considering moving it to a slightly shadier and warmer spot?

Very nice. Still don't have that variety and I will going too rectify that soon. Congrats!!
very nice!!

Mine hasn't bloomed this year and I know why: the plant has separated in three small pieces...
This is a beautiful set of three. I've heard this a lot about the growth habit, esp for the album form. My normals are sorta clumping but nothing huge to show off about. The album clone I have still is holding onto it's back growth for the moment. Gary when do you loose your old growth; after the front has matured, or well before?
Nice one, Gary. My haynaldianum album does exactly as yours: puts out a new growth, blooms, new growth starts and old growth dies. I'm just glad it still lives.
Thanks all, despite its frustrating growth habit, I am very happy with it. It provides flowers in the greenhouse when virtually nothing else is blooming. It is showing signs that it might be increasing, so I am hoping that there will be two spikes next year.
Rick, the old growth starts to die back shortly after the blooms have faded. It has started a new growth already, but it takes about two years to mature the new hand, so that as the new growth is mature, the old has disappeared. It only ever has three growths, a new, a near mature and a blooming/old. I am going to try and set a pod on it this year, not for the seed, but in the hope that if the pod is maturing for a year, it will delay the growth dying back? Don't know if it will work, but it should be worth the try (and besides having a flask or two of this shouldn't be too much of a hardship)
Normally, I don't like green flowers, but the pristine white of your blooms
makes it very special. Have you tried giving it a good "talking to" about
this clumping problem?
Normally, I don't like green flowers, but the pristine white of your blooms
makes it very special. Have you tried giving it a good "talking to" about
this clumping problem?

I think that is part of the problem, it is still sulking after the last time I gave it a good talking to!:)