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This is the biggest/best grown wilhelm/gardnerii I've ever seen.

I would definitely check the AOS records to see if its good for a CCE:clap::clap:

Given the taxonomy issues, you'd have to research under all the possible names.

The flowers don't have to be the biggest or best quality for a cultural award, but just the best grown with representative flowers.

Rose/Rick, I don't know about the AOS standard. I know that my gardinerii can give 2-3 flowers, a small multigrowths but has never given multispikings. But yours looks like that the flowers also display a good shape, good color and good spiking habit. Can't see the size of it. But if you happen to meet a judge, ask him/her first about the quality. If the quality,size, shape, color etc are also good, then why not ask for a quality award as well as the Cultural award. You might get both. Good luck.
If you see UweM's post in the thread of "glanduliferum Revisited" he has attached a link to Notes by Dr. Leslie Garay, who is a splitter and recognized Paph gardinerii as a species.
And Rose, for the sake of Conservation please self it. I selfed mine 2 years ago and now have about 150 seedlings, still in compots. And I rate yours better than mine.
Last night I just installed my OrchidWIZ. Don't know yet how to operate it fully, but I will try to see what award has ever been given to gardinerii (wilhelminae)??
Does anyone one know - would 2 flowers per stem be typical or has anyone seen one with 3?

I was able to get a third flower on mine this year for the first time. I remember Rick saying that was pretty rare as most only have two. Who needs three flowers when you have that many spikes. I may have had 3 but you had 7. :)

Believe me I thought a few seconds & did go back to that thread. I'm going to continue to call it gardineri. The tag says gardineri 'Joe' x 'Ron' and came from OrchidsTN, an ebay vendor.

Beautifully grown plant Rose! I find your quote above so funny. My tag says wilhelminiae 'Joe' X 'Ron'!:rollhappy:
I just extractthis from my new OrchidWiz.
1. Orchid Wiz recognized this as wilhelminae, so too is AOS. But Dr. L.Garay critised AOS for lumping it together in glanduliferum. But funnily enough, the last three awarded plant only bear the name of wilhelminae. I think L. garay still maintained this as gardinerii.
2. anyway, the last three awarded plants in USA are
(i) 2004 Paph wilhelminae "Wilhelmina Gardener". HCC /AOS 78 points. NS12x6.6cm, DS2.5X3.1, Petal 0.6X3.1 Synsepals 1.6X3.1. 2 flowers, 1 spike
(ii) 2006 Paph wilhelminae "Irma Scott HCC 78points owned by Greg&IrmaScott. NS 14X6.4, DS 2.5X3.5, petals 0.8X7.0, Synsepal 2.0X3.2, Pouch 1.8X4.8. 1flower + 1bud on 1 spike
(iii) 2008 Paph wilhelminae "Sunset Valley". HCC/AOS 77 points. Owned by Fred Clark, Vista, Ca. NS 13.2X7.2, Dorsal 2.8X4.3cm, petals 1.1X7.5, synsepal 2.5X4.2, Pouch 1.7X4.4. 6 flowers on 2 spikes.
Rose, I think yours is amongst the above three awarded plants, though the third one was very impressive, with its bloom and size of dorsal and its NS.
Hope you approach the judging panel.

David, I remember seeing yours here and I also remember it has impressive flowers. I also asked you to get it judged for an award and to self it. Did not know what you've done with it.
David, I remember seeing yours here and I also remember it has impressive flowers. I also asked you to get it judged for an award and to self it. Did not know what you've done with it.

It just flowered at the wrong time to get it judged. Maybe one day. The plant was a bit small to self as well. It is not like Rose's plant. I'll wait till it is a bit bigger.

Beautifully grown plant Rose! I find your quote above so funny. My tag says wilhelminiae 'Joe' X 'Ron'!:rollhappy:
No kidding! I thought I remembered a couple of people having this clonal X. When did you get yours? The rest of the info on the tag is 6/05 B 7400.
Howzat - thanks so much for the info of Orchidwiz, I was pulling up zippo thru searches. I'm kinda surprised there aren't more. Well all I can do is hope the flowers hold up! (and it would help if the weather stays mild!)
I'm getting measurements of - NS 11.5 x 6 (on 2 largest, 9.5 x 5.5 on others).
DS 3 x 4, Petals 1 x 7.5 (on 2 largest, .75/8 x 6.5 on others),
Synsepal 3 x 4, Pouch 1.5 x 3.5.

If I self it now, then I wouldn't be able to present it for judging correct?
I think there will be enough mature growths for it to bloom next year........ decisions, decisions!
Howzat - thanks so much for the info of Orchidwiz, I was pulling up zippo thru searches. I'm kinda surprised there aren't more. Well all I can do is hope the flowers hold up! (and it would help if the weather stays mild!)
I'm getting measurements of - NS 11.5 x 6 (on 2 largest, 9.5 x 5.5 on others).
DS 3 x 4, Petals 1 x 7.5 (on 2 largest, .75/8 x 6.5 on others),
Synsepal 3 x 4, Pouch 1.5 x 3.5.

If I self it now, then I wouldn't be able to present it for judging correct?
I think there will be enough mature growths for it to bloom next year........ decisions, decisions!

I don't think the judges would want to see flowers tramatized for breeding.

Also I'm only seeing record comparisons to flower quality awards, and not for cultural awards (which will tell how many growths in spike), which I see as the superior atribute for your plant Rose. Your flowers are smaller than the above HCC awards, but note they are all single spike plants. I've seen some big clumps of this species, but never with more than 1 or 2 spikes at once.

When is your nearest judging center meeting coming up?

wilhelm flowers hold up for quite a while, so you have plenty of time to breed after showing.
Yes, you cannot show to the judges if it has been hybridised or selfed. However this type of plant is long lasting. You can hybridise it 4-6 weeks after it flowered. So there is plenty of time.
I think the dorsal is awesome and large, same as the synsepal, but dorsal is one of the first point of eye contact in slipper. As long as there is nothing wrong with the staminode (most important in slipper) and there is no color break or other blemish ( a tiny one is OK), I think the judges should look at this flowers/plant favourably. Also the petals is wider than the others and as long as the others. Sorry number (i) as in my previous post above, the petals are 0.6X7.0 (very very narrow), so yours are bigger than most. Pouch is within the range. Yes, the NS is a little smaller, but on balance it is an awesome wilhelminae flower. Try to stake all the spikes so that most flowers are well positioned. Sometimes you have to manipulate the flowers by hand. But in your case you may not have to do it. One last thing is that you may have to ask whether the judges lean towards the name wilhelminae or would they accept gardinerii (my feeling is the AOS judges do not recognise gardinerii), and if they only recognise wilhelminae, then make another tag for wilhelminae!!! Good Luck.
I don't think the judges would want to see flowers tramatized for breeding.
Would certainly ruin that pretty picture!

When is your nearest judging center meeting coming up?
Not until July 9th. Right now it's in my house, east window. We've had temps in the mid 70's but I know that won't last and once the heat comes that's going to shorten the life of the flowers. Inside, once the AC goes on the temps are good for holding the flowers, my concern is the humidity but I should be able to rig up some type of humidity tent, PVC is handy & cheap! Actually right now it's 6 flowers & 1 bud so I could use that last spike for selfing.

wilhelm flowers hold up for quite a while, so you have plenty of time to breed after showing.

Yes, you cannot show to the judges if it has been hybridised or selfed. However this type of plant is long lasting. You can hybridise it 4-6 weeks after it flowered. So there is plenty of time.
I think the dorsal is awesome and large, same as the synsepal, but dorsal is one of the first point of eye contact in slipper. As long as there is nothing wrong with the staminode (most important in slipper) and there is no color break or other blemish ( a tiny one is OK), I think the judges should look at this flowers/plant favourably. Also the petals is wider than the others and as long as the others. Sorry number (i) as in my previous post above, the petals are 0.6X7.0 (very very narrow), so yours are bigger than most. Pouch is within the range. Yes, the NS is a little smaller, but on balance it is an awesome wilhelminae flower. Try to stake all the spikes so that most flowers are well positioned. Sometimes you have to manipulate the flowers by hand. But in your case you may not have to do it. One last thing is that you may have to ask whether the judges lean towards the name wilhelminae or would they accept gardinerii (my feeling is the AOS judges do not recognise gardinerii), and if they only recognise wilhelminae, then make another tag for wilhelminae!!! Good Luck.
Thanks again, you've brought up some good points! Can you tell I've never presented a plant for judging? I keep saying I'm going to go to one to listen & observe but I still haven't made it. At our shows I have sat in for a short time when they've pulled plants for AOS judging so I would think it's pretty much the same.
I've looked it over closely, no color breaks, nothing wrong with the stams, everything all lined up, nothing wonky. I do have one regret that I didn't start staking sooner, these stem are noticeably stiffer than others but I'm trying to encourage a better direction & think I can get those other 3 flowers facing forward (although I like the side profile, 2 are going one way & the third the other way). Cross your fingers!

For cultural awards need to be just as concerned about foliage as the flower orientation. Groom the leaves for shininess, remove dead basal leaves, ultra check for mealies and scale, find a pretty pot to set it in (or at least make sure the pot looks clean and presentable).

The flower dimensions/ form/ color of these flowers aren't competitive with the past HCC awards, but they are good representative flowers. So what you are competing for would be as a grower of a very well grown plant (as opposed to the owner of a particularly high quality/ showy flower). Different philosophy. Technically a cultural award is for the grower (showing off your growing skills) not the plant.

Hopefully some of our AOS judges will throw in some tips.

Seems like I saw an article in Orchids within the last year on growing/showing specimen plants.
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Rose, one last thing. Please cut the top of stake that is over the top of the flower. Also do not tie the pedicel/ovary to the stake. It is an automatic disqualification. Over here AOC is pretty strict on this matter, but I am sure AOS have similar requirement. I know the excitement of getting your first award. I had mine in 1990, an AM for my micranthum. Luckily I had lots of help how to present the plant prior to judging. Over here award judging can be conducted half hour prior to any club's (there are 5 clubs in or near metropolitan Perth) monthly meeting, though there should be a minimum of 5 judges present.
Wonderful plant and flowers! I love this species! I have one labelled gardineri (the "true" one, says Michael at Orchids of Los Osos), and a small seedling labelled wilhelminiae. Someday the first will bloom, but it has only two growths now. The second one I'll have to wait on for quite a while. Hope one looks as nice as yours!

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