Cattleya warscewiczii semialba ‘Everest’

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Scholar, Addict and Aficionado of Orchidacea
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Feb 1, 2019
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This is probably my all-time favorite warscewiczii of all time. The stunning white lip pattern has a red central waterfall, flanked by yellow eyes, and a cotton pink picotee around the margin.

Due to the hot summer temperatures and intense light in GH, one of the leaves has sunburnt markings. There’s also increased pigmentation in the flowers due to uneven pigment distribution from heat.

This is a division from Steven Christofferson in California.

3 flowers x NS 16.5 cm.

Leslie, at least in labiata there is a color form that has been called (albo-oculata), described as bilateral white patches on lateral margins of the labellum like eyes. Yours seems close to this!
Leslie, at least in labiata there is a color form that has been called (albo-oculata), described as bilateral white patches on lateral margins of the labellum like eyes. Yours seems close to this!
Albo-oculata in labiata usually means a white flower with a dark dot inside the throat base.

This term oculata sometimes is used in warscewiczii to describe a lip with the two yellow eyes connected to form one yellow eye.
I thought she was hitchhiking by the side of the road!! I figured you were really fortunate to have happened by. My goodness. I certainly have not seen anything like that here in SE Michigan as I drive around. If I did, my auto insurance rates would be through the roof. "You stopped for another orchid???" 😁

Allstate tends to frown upon things like that!!! Absolutely gorgeous!!!!
Not virus, very good news. The fact that there was only burn on one leaf made for concern that it was something else. But the one thing not noted is that this flower is very fragrant. In the air conditioned building for SOOS meeting the fragrance was greatly diminished. I expect that this morning Leslie was greeted by the plants outstanding perfume.
Not virus, very good news. The fact that there was only burn on one leaf made for concern that it was something else. But the one thing not noted is that this flower is very fragrant. In the air conditioned building for SOOS meeting the fragrance was greatly diminished. I expect that this morning Leslie was greeted by the plants outstanding perfume.
The sweet fragrance was almost stifling in the morning in the small grow area.

Btw kudos to DavidB for establishing and blooming this plant for me. He is likely one of the best cattleya growers in Toronto. I tip my hat in reverence.
Yes Katia lip was my standard when purchasing.

This lip very different from Katia.


Katia (photo: Carlos Montreal)

I do love Katia lip too (I have this plant as well).

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