Cattleya percivaliana fm. semi-concolor ‘Corona’

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Scholar, Addict and Aficionado of Orchidacea
Supporting Member
Feb 1, 2019
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This is my plant that I’ve had for about 5 years now. Presently it’s winterizing in my friend’s greenhouse.

Obviously happy there with five 12 cm blooms of cotton ball pink and golden yellow throat, streaked lavender, with a white ‘corona’ margin (thus the new cultivar name, doubly functioning to acknowledge state of our world today).
Typical aromatic fragrance of the species.

I decided on semi-concolor designation because a true concolor will not have the lavender streaks in the throat. These streaks are present every blooming. A pure concolor will have a pure golden throat throughout the lip.

What a small world.

I get plants from Gerardo, some listed here. I have the mossiae semialba pincelada ‘Paz Lucia’, percivaliana ‘Alberts’ and percivaliana coerulea’Undine’.

David is right.

Once you enter this special heirloom and select cattleya division world, there is no way out. Only thing that placates the urgency and addiction is to search high and low for the very best plants you can throw money at, short of losing your sanity and home,

I have divisions here that could buy me a car or a house in South America. Certifiably insane, that I am.
I have divisions here that could buy me a car or a house in South America. Certifiably insane, that I am.
As a clinical psychologist I can affirm that, but rather than outright insane, I think your problems would be better understood as a clinically, full fledged addiction of severe intensity (definately F19.211 - see below)!

And, by the way, having encountered the Catt-people, I realize the urgent need to broaden the scope of our selfhelp-group, Paphioholics Anonymous (PA) to encompass other species. Henceforth it will go under the name OA, Orchioholics Anonymous. (And for your information: I haven't dared, yet, to lift that stone, the Phragmipedium Forum, out of fear of what hides underneath!)

Some of you might have stumbled upon this information before, but for diagnostic matters I refer to WHO's diagnostic manual, ICD-10 ( the 2018 rev.):

F19.2 Other psychoactive substance dependence - and sometimes with F19.211 ..... delirium

”You can get off alcohol, drugs, women, food, and cars, but once you’re hooked on orchids, you’re finished. You never get off orchids…never.”

Joe Kunisch
Commercial orchid grower
Rochester, New York
(cit. Eric Hansen:’ Orchid Fever: A Horticultural Tale of Love, Lust,
and Lunacy’, Pantheon 2000)
Lo and behold - it's Christmas-time, indeed! 🎅

Beautifull, Tom!

I hope my plants will give it a go, but maybe it's a little early hours for them to have acclimatisized sufficiently to bloom (bought respectively summer and autumn, this year).

They are at my work place and had a bud each, but due to my illness and confinement, I haven't been able to tend to them myself for now quite some time. A very nice, green fingered (is this an idiom in English, too?) colleague have offered to see to my plants, while I've been away. As I'm now recuperating, I long to see how they are doing!
that is a lovely percivalliana clone!
Guldal, as usual your English is absolutely correct!
Thank you so much, David! I'm blushing by such high praise - and coming out of Cambridge! 🙂

Seeing Tom's and Leslie's lovely plants - doesn't that make you somewhat regret your decision to stick to only the one percy in your collection? (An alba or semi-alba, if my memory does not elude me completely?)
Best regards, Jens
Of course! I was looking at one this morning on Helmar’s list.
I lost my percivalliana ‘summit’ to rot earlier this year, it was the first species to succumb to rot.
I have a small percivalliana alba ‘Oro blanco’ in low bud so I still have one!
But I only have room for so many catts and there are so many to choose from! So I am currently going for nicely scented ones.
Thank you so much, David! I'm blushing by such high praise - and coming out of Cambridge! 🙂

Seeing Tom's and Leslie's lovely plants - doesn't that make you somewhat regret your decision to stick to only the one percy in your collection? (An alba or semi-alba, if my memory does not elude me completely?)
Best regards, Jens
I have around six different percivalianas with sheaths. Hopefully they bud so I can show them off. Some of them have never been shown anywhere!