
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. DrLeslieEe

    A Trio Surprise!!! A Skinneri party, late Percivaliana and a Ménage de Tres Jenmanii

    I closed my eyes and this approx 10 buds appeared on this skinneri… I should sleep more lol. As if that wasn’t enough, the late to the party season flowers of the percivaliana peloric appeared out of nowhere. Then deep at the back of the shelve I saw these 3 flowers of the jenmanii...
  2. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya percivaliana fm. coerulea ‘SRV’ AM/AOS

    Received as a division from Orchid Eros in May of this year (thanks Ben). Eight gorgeous aromatic (!) blue flowers on 3 inflorescences (3/2/3) with NS of 12 cm.
  3. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya percivaliana ‘Brian Wood’ AM/AOS

    Awarded almost 30 years ago, this cultivar has been seldomly passed down with divisions from several generations of growers and finally to my collection about 5 years ago. It is a typical tipo variety with smooth lavender pink color of the species but the flowers are huge compared to Summit. At...
  4. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya percivaliana peloric in Bud!!!

    I decided to move my percivaliana peloric to another location and it triggered a new growth. This was out of season and so I thought the growth would be sheathless. But it surprised me with a sheath and buds right after! Not sure if this is normal but it’s going to bloom 6 months after it’s...
  5. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya percivaliana fm. semi-concolor ‘Corona’

    This is my plant that I’ve had for about 5 years now. Presently it’s winterizing in my friend’s greenhouse. Obviously happy there with five 12 cm blooms of cotton ball pink and golden yellow throat, streaked lavender, with a white ‘corona’ margin (thus the new cultivar name, doubly functioning...