Cattleya mossiae alba ("Cruzeiro" x "Carpinteiro")

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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2007
Reaction score
Luxembourg - Europe
I got this plant in 2005. It is a very compact grower and regular bloomer, (even a small division of back-bulbs flowers each year). Nice fragrance! Jean

That's a pretty bright lip for an alba; are you sure it's not an 'aureum'!?

I was just at a judging center yesterday and they had another alba Catt there (forbsei I beleive). There was a bit of a similar debate, but ultimately, the judging consensus was that since there was "no hint of red" in the yellow patch on the lip that it was an alba.

There was another award record (with photo) for the alba forbsi that I saw with some lip color that looked a bit closer to orange than yellow, and it was still awarded as an alba.

So as far as AOS judging goes, Jean's flowers should still be in the alba category. But I understand your thinking on it Eric.

Beautiful flowers Jean:clap::clap: