C. mossiae, full show

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I posted this plant with two flowers open a few weeks ago. It now has all flowers open. Two spikes and six flowers. I inherited this plant from a family member and it is my only Cattleya. I'll keep it around if if keeps putting on a show like this! Strongly fragrant from morning 'till Noon, especially with all flowers open now.

I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to Biothanasis. The plant has a decent mealybug problem that I keep under control. The p-bulbs are a bit discolored by age and perhaps damage by the insects. No rotting going on though.
I was reffering to the colour. I have seen many plnts here that are in bloom and have psbs with such colours and I was a bit amazed, because mine obtain such colours due to rot. So I wanted to ask to figure out... Thank you a lot... :D
