C. Hint O' Blue 'Butterfly Kisses' HCC/AOS

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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2014
Reaction score
Pennsylvania, USA
First bloom from a division returned to me from a plant I gave to my friend lol. Being recently divided, it's nowhere near showing what it can really do, still, nice flower, about 13 x 15 cm. Technically, it's not really Cattleya Hint O' Blue, since it's made with Sea Breeze 'Blue Ribbon', but what can ya do.Butterfly Kisses 2022.jpg
First bloom from a division returned to me from a plant I gave to my friend lol. Being recently divided, it's nowhere near showing what it can really do, still, nice flower, about 13 x 15 cm. Technically, it's not really Cattleya Hint O' Blue, since it's made with Sea Breeze 'Blue Ribbon', but what can ya do.View attachment 35321
I see that Hint O’ Blue is (Sea Breeze x mossiae). I am not understanding your comment about the particular cultivar of Sea Breeze (‘Blue Ribbon’) making it technically not Hint O’ Blue?
I see that Hint O’ Blue is (Sea Breeze x mossiae). I am not understanding your comment about the particular cultivar of Sea Breeze (‘Blue Ribbon’) making it technically not Hint O’ Blue?
If memory serves, Sea Breeze 'Blue Ribbon' was made with Cattleya nobilior, before nobilior was split from walkeriana.
So, you think yours is Sea Siren x mossiae, which has not been registered? Keeping it technical, if you wanted to go through the effort you could register it as a new hybrid but keep the ’Blue Ribbon’ cultivar name?
Yes, it is technically Sea Siren x mossiae. I'm not registering it. I have a rule that I only register my own crosses.
First bloom from a division returned to me from a plant I gave to my friend lol. Being recently divided, it's nowhere near showing what it can really do, still, nice flower, about 13 x 15 cm. Technically, it's not really Cattleya Hint O' Blue, since it's made with Sea Breeze 'Blue Ribbon', but what can ya do.
Beautiful. How's the scent, if any?
No wonder it looks a lot like Sea Breeze 'Blue Ribbon', which is a great compact grower but with a good sized flowers with burnt Hyacinth scent. Unfortunately, mine tested positive to both CymMV and ORSV, and so I tossed it years ago.
I have something similar now, but much smaller grower, Love Knot var. coerulea.