Brassavola Little Stars

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Aug 14, 2014
Reaction score
New York City
Divided a few times, mistreated quite a bit, yet always grow and flower well.

Wonderful nocturnal perfume! :)

Nice. I have a hybrid that hasn't bloomed in 15 years. :(
Sorry to hop on someone else's thread with a picture but i wanted to show how much light they can handle


These are in full sun in the morning, dappled sun around noon and bright shade in the afternoon, they are on the trunk of a palm tree and they enjoy what they're getting though in sure they could handle more
This is actually just regular nodosa

My nodosa has petals that are droopy just like the Little stars posted here.
How often does it bloom? Do you leave them outside year around?

B. nodosa always bloomed around the same time as Little Stars, but once I moved them to the T8, they bloom like crazy non-stop, basically everytime the growths mature.

I have one, a short growing variety with large flowers, that flowered in August. It is about to bloom again.

Gotta love these.

Is the yellow one further below Yellow Bird??
My nodosa has petals that are droopy just like the Little stars posted here.
How often does it bloom? Do you leave them outside year around?

B. nodosa always bloomed around the same time as Little Stars, but once I moved them to the T8, they bloom like crazy non-stop, basically everytime the growths mature.

I have one, a short growing variety with large flowers, that flowered in August. It is about to bloom again.

Gotta love these.

Is the yellow one further below Yellow Bird??

It blooms every other month I think haha, it'll take breaks sometimes and then will bloom all at once on all the new pseudobulbs. These bloomed in August and July I think and then again more recently
These like the Yellow Bird (you got it!) below it are mounted outdoors and generally neglected year round.
I truly do love these!
Wow~ that is very frequent blooming.
and they do take quite a bit of chilling I guess, as South Florida can get quite chilly in the winter at night sometimes.
Wow~ that is very frequent blooming.
and they do take quite a bit of chilling I guess, as South Florida can get quite chilly in the winter at night sometimes.
We haven't had a frost in years so although we can get chilly, it's usually still above freezing
We haven't had a frost in years so although we can get chilly, it's usually still above freezing

How cold does it get in your area? I was thinking of getting one and putting it outside. I don't get frost, but it does dip into the 40s at night in Dec and Jan.
How cold does it get in your area? I was thinking of getting one and putting it outside. I don't get frost, but it does dip into the 40s at night in Dec and Jan.
We'll usually get a week or two with nights in the low 60s or 50s with a night or two going to the high 40s, but that's usually it
Do you have am orchid nursery near you? They should be able to tell you if you can keep it outdoors
Gorgeous! I don't currently have a Nodosa or hybrid thereof, but in the past they have always grown well and bloomed often for me. I gave them a lot of light and got great results. Sadly, I cannot abide their nocturnal scent. It is most unpleasant to me.
Gorgeous! I don't currently have a Nodosa or hybrid thereof, but in the past they have always grown well and bloomed often for me. I gave them a lot of light and got great results. Sadly, I cannot abide their nocturnal scent. It is most unpleasant to me.
That's very interesting, I know some species don't smell nice like cuculata but I've never heard of a bad smelling nodosa, to me they smell somewhat citrusy or gardenia-like