Bald Eagle pictures

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Jan 22, 2008
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elmer, nj
Clark, his wife Chrissy and I went to the dam where all of the eagles gather. It was pretty quiet compared to last year at first, and pretty breezy. Thankfully the sun was out for a fair amount of the early morning though it clouded up a bit later. I was using one of Clark's smaller telephoto lenses. I'm going to post a first group of pictures, and hopefully Clark will put some nicer ones with more detail. I'll put up a few more pics later. This year at least we got to watch them catch and eat some fish! :D

(if the colors and light look 'chilly', that's because it was!)


eagle on power tower on island in middle of river


flying directly overhead


fisherman and photographer's perch


extremely distant shot of two eagles fighting. the lower one would turn on it's back
and defend itself when the upper one would dive at it


distant eagle with fall foliage



cormorant skimming the water


adult resting very near the parking lot


clark capturing image of same adult


another adult with a fish in it's talons. also note that it's right leg has a
blue band on it, signifying that it was banded in new york state. this
bird ate here for quite a while with lots of photographers snapping
pictures. later was told that this bird was of a decent age and had been
around a while, so more used to people. another eagle that
clark tried to get a picture of with a fish was extremely leery
of people approaching and flew away very quickly


bits of fish hanging from it's beak


avian paparazzi

more later!
great photos!

any estimate of what the wingspan of the bird is in the second picture?
Wonderful experiences we have shared together!

The bird with the bue jewelry-
I lurk on a photo site. One can get a feel for what is in season, plus the knowledge/tips for a hobby. :)
Loads of eagle pics mid-Nov.
The feeding eagle was photographed by many, but only two people had 800mm lens on that moment. One of these folks I stood next to,
and was surprised to see how good his shoots were to mine. The pics and some text were posted online that weekend.
Another fellow that was shooting eagles that day, ended up shooting the snowy owl I posted a bit ago, later the same day.

seems that this is New York SO 4. A seasonal visitor that has the name- "Sulfate".

Charles- many thanks for not exposing my bald spot.:)

ummmm, can't load my pics to desktop yet. No room. hehe
One thing about 18mp raw files- they take up some real estate.
Keep 'em coming!

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