Anyone using CO2?

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I heard on the radio that some group somewhere wanted to make a regulation that would designate carbon dioxide as a pollutant gas. That would make quite a few businesses and organizations that had a net release or use of carbon dioxide need to purchase permits of several thousand dollars, which would end up making a large financial strain on these businesses. There was quite a bit of controversy as to if you could really qualify carbon dioxide as a pollutant; more political horse-hockey if you ask me. Some people just have too much time on their hands....
I heard on the radio that some group somewhere wanted to make a regulation that would designate carbon dioxide as a pollutant gas. That would make quite a few businesses and organizations that had a net release or use of carbon dioxide need to purchase permits of several thousand dollars, which would end up making a large financial strain on these businesses. There was quite a bit of controversy as to if you could really qualify carbon dioxide as a pollutant; more political horse-hockey if you ask me. Some people just have too much time on their hands....

This is being done already in Europe and people are making or saving money investing in technology to reduce GHGs. The US is lagging behind the rest of the developing world. We have already put cap and trade type emission standards on other pollutive gasses, imposed all kinds of regulations, fuel gas standards, etc. and US business didn't go bust despite all their forecasts of financial Armageddon. When the EPA was created in the mid seventies we heard all the same whining then, and it just didn't come true. When the government imposed the implementation of catalytic converters on cars Detroit made all the same noises then. Honda, instead of paying millions to layers to fight the new mandate, beat them to the punch and developed the CIVIC with a more efficient engine that actually thrived on a catalytic converter. They made a bunch of $$$ on that deal.

I guess you are not aware of NY Mayor Bloomberg's mandate to have all taxis turned over to vehicles with hybrids and other fuel efficient vehicles to save gas and reduce carbon. Do you think he is part of that wacko group trying to impose CO2 limits?

We are going to get dusted by the rest of the world if we don't get our act together on carbon. America used to look at challenges as opportunities rather than obstacles. I voted for Obama, but I often have to agree with the McCain campaign official who said that Americans have turned into a bunch of spoiled whiners.
I guess you are not aware of NY Mayor Bloomberg's mandate to have all taxis turned over to vehicles with hybrids and other fuel efficient vehicles to save gas and reduce carbon. Do you think he is part of that wacko group trying to impose CO2 limits?

:) that's ny city; with apologetic regards to nyeric and others that live there, but I could care less about whatever is going on there especially politics-wise! news around here wouldn't report on city news anyhow unless it was either terror or entertainment (sports or otherwise) -related (or someone there had a scandal of some sort). having hybrids and such seems like a good idea to me no matter the politics involved

We are going to get dusted by the rest of the world if we don't get our act together on carbon. America used to look at challenges as opportunities rather than obstacles. I voted for Obama, but I often have to agree with the McCain campaign official who said that Americans have turned into a bunch of spoiled whiners.

the last point (excess whining) is true, but with financial struggles only likely to get worse, and the fact that I heard on the radio today that some scientists faked data on temperature data concerning warming stuff, global warming may end up being a very low priority, especially if millions of more people start starving from lack of food

whatever the legislation was they were talking about (I was only listening with 1/2 of one ear) wasn't something old, but some other new regulation that would affect small businesses alot more. I guess I should have listened more...

the last point (excess whining) is true, but with financial struggles only likely to get worse, and the fact that I heard on the radio today that some scientists faked data on temperature data concerning warming stuff, global warming may end up being a very low priority, especially if millions of more people start starving from lack of food

You must be listening to that right wing talk radio. There have been several well publicized reports stating that the rate of global warming was underestimated and is presently accelerating. So I don't think you are going to hear to much about global warming as a left wing conspiracy for too long.

People in 3rd world countries aren't starving because they lost their blue collar job and can't afford to go to McDonalds any more. Farms are getting decimated by drought, and Petrodictators are displacing millions off what arable land they have to farm or the forests that afforded them food, and a host of other functions all related to oil and GHG's.

A big chunk of Americas present mess is that we got greedy and wracked up huge debt. Eventually someone had to blink and found out the "King really wasn't wearing any clothes". It was all just Monopoly money all along. We have huge opportunities to take advantage of in sustainable tech to get out of this financial mess, but if we squander it by doing same old same old we are going to get dusted. China and India are gearing up for the challenge as we speak.

You might take a peak at Tom Friedman's book Hot Flat and Crowded. He brings allot of info in from a large number of sources. It's an eye opener if you haven't had access to the bulk of information coming in the matter.
You must be listening to that right wing talk radio. There have been several well publicized reports stating that the rate of global warming was underestimated and is presently accelerating. So I don't think you are going to hear to much about global warming as a left wing conspiracy for too long.

People in 3rd world countries aren't starving because they lost their blue collar job and can't afford to go to McDonalds any more. Farms are getting decimated by drought, and Petrodictators are displacing millions off what arable land they have to farm or the forests that afforded them food, and a host of other functions all related to oil and GHG's.
:) stating global warming is an incomplete observation and reporting of facts. I don't remember saying anything about conspiracies on either side of the fence concerning warming/chilling (I am not on either fence of the political system, both are very foolish), but am completely in agreement that global extremes are indeed accelerating rapidly. I read a publication that explains the atmospheric changed coming about and the large changes in ocean environments due to melting glaciers and warming in certain areas, and the expected results that are staggeringly bad. in a great deal of the world things are getting warmer, but in other areas it is getting colder. and at different times a spot that has gotten warmer than usual gets colder than usual. global weather extremes is more accurate, and where you have average highs getting higher all the snow melts. same spot the next year may have extremes colder than usual but the overall will still have melted snow. a very bad result of the initial warming could very well be localized cooling in regions of north america and western europe due to disruption in the ocean currents which could cause much colder weather in those areas. as a final result, you would have higher than normal conditions in many areas and much cooler in other areas; extremes in weather conditions like what we saw this spring/summer could become commonplace or even more severe

many people are starving because someone wanted power or wanted someone out of power, and getting the wars going was a good way to remove the other, and starving them along the way was to them a good quiet way to remove their opponent. lots of places could have food and there is enough food for everyone, but many places don't want poor people to have the food because the food brokers won't make enough money on it; others are holding onto dry food goods as the price goes up so that there will be higher demand and the price go up even more. not long ago I heard complaints from european and other countries that were large food brokers who were pissed because all the do-gooders were donating to food people starving in droughted countries... they would rather the people starved because the assistance was cutting into their bottom line. other places people in power have the food or are preventing the food from getting to the people starving, which people are on the wrong side of the political line and starving those people was how they try to get rid of them.

not everyone is greedy and wracked up tons of debt; if you mean 'us' as american big companies who will sell stupid variable rate mortgages to low-income people or giving credit card offers to kids in college who have no income or giving credit cards to people's dogs and cats, then that is a yes. there is enough greed in big companies to spread around to everyone several times over, but big marketing has been plastering people for years to make them think that if they don't have tons of goods in their closet then they will never arrive, most people have no sense of reality and very few good examples of how not to destroy themselves financially or what is really important; most all financial organizations now still think a typical american should have 'revolving credit at at least 20% of their income, and at least a mortgage of at least 40% of their income'... that sounds about like how deep in debt most people are, if not much more. there are very few good examples of how to deal with debt or how to tell truth from spin
pretty much; as far as the use of co2 for orchids I think the best use might be for seedlings out of flask, compots and fast-growing hybrids or such that are being grown quickly for wholesale markets, where things don't have to be vented a lot, where there will be fast turnover and not a lot of venting when the gas is being used. I'd be happy to learn more about how it is being used well and profitably as I'm always looking for things that will help local growers (of any plants) without costing too much. I'm also wondering if many growers of more adult orchids for themselves might be better off just managing their growing environmental conditions a little better and get the better growth that way, and maybe possibly save some money instead of spending more with new gas setups and testing equipment

... but, if someone has time and money to invest in things and wants to fiddle with something different as a way of learning and gaining new knowledge, that sounds like part of the normal orchid growing fascination! ;) I'd probably have more high-power lights and all that if I could vent the heat in summer and afford the electricity... right now it's a search for making a disa flow table that has enough light, uses duckweed to filter out excess nutrients and keeps the roots cool in summer (keeping things cool in the winter isn't a problem :( ) , oh, and also finding a way to get my small chinese phal species happy in both summer and winter..