Angraecum distichum

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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2007
Reaction score
Luxembourg - Europe
I got this mini from Koos Wubben, 2 small growths on rock wool, and was completely surprised to see 2 buds arising (on the lower growth) 2 weeks ago! blooms +/- 0,5 cm!! Jean

the plant!!
Oh, and I don't overwater like Eric! :poke:
the list of plants [orchids] i've killed the most includes asconopsis Irene Dobkins, angraecum distichum, isabelia virginalis, Phrag St. Ouen flavum, and macodes petola. So far, I haven't killed my latest macodes and isabelia by keeping them in a sealed containers and not watering as often [because they're covered by other plants!] If I can get another good sized angraecum distichum maybe I'll try that method! :p
I love the zigzag growth habit but I don't think I'm going to touch one, I'll look & ewe & awe at others!

So, dare I are people growing it well and NOT killing it?
I would have guessed more water & higher humidity. :confused:

Oh, and I don't overwater like Eric! :poke:

There goes my previous idea! Makes one wonder where is the happy medium?
So, dare I are people growing it well and NOT killing it?

I killed one of them some years back!! But now (thanks Robin:)) I had to get another try! In my gh humidity is provided, but I am not very happy with stone-wool mounts and culture! Future will tell! Jean
So, dare I are people growing it well and NOT killing it?

Heather, I grow mine in coir and perlite. I've had it since June, so far so good. It has even produced some new leaves, no flowers yet.
