13th National Slipper Symposium

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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I hope to be there. We are ~70 miles away from the Sefner area now. Not sure if I'll grab a room or just drive down Sat am??? Open to suggestions. We could house one or a couple in our guest room then another on our super comfy couch. Lots of floor room for inflatable beds too. Make some suggestions...

I would love to go. I will see how the finances are in the next months to finally commit
I hope to be there as well. Just got my schedule for the next few months and I am off that weekend, so I have no excuse!
For those not already on the road or in the air, Dot jinxed us and we will have a breezy, chilly weekend (aka "mild" in Chicago). Bring a sweatshirt or light jacket. Overnight lows will be around 45 F with daytime highs in the mid-60s, wind gusts to 20 mph. The Parvis are loving it! Me too-I love a good brisk morning!

What's our head count?
Bob in Albany
Mark swamprad
Scott Ware
Darrin (esteemed photo guy!)

Looking forward to it and already spent this week's allowance on preorders. :)
I ended up registering last week when I found i had to be in Orlando on Tuesday.

So I checked in. Beer in the fridge. Computer hooked up. Getting hungry. Looking forward to a nice weekend!
For those not already on the road or in the air, Dot jinxed us and we will have a breezy, chilly weekend (aka "mild" in Chicago).

Oh, that I had that kind of power! Be glad you are not still up here. The high today was 37º F. But our highs next week will be in the 50s. So Ernie, come back home to get warm!
I was in Orlando two weeks ago. It was 85 - 90 degrees. What happened ? Have a good time, guys.
Yeah, last weekend was beautiful. We had a couple days of rain (needed it!) mid-week. Then a cold front came through last night. Of course, it'll be gone on Monday and we'll be back to normal.
hi guys,

anybody has some pictures from plants shown and
thing in flower June's ?
pleez pleez :drool:
Okay, here's my haul. Got plants from Bill Fajen, Fred Clarke, Sam Tsui, OrchidBabies, Frank Smith via June, Bill Thoms via auction, and HP Norton. It should be very obvious what came from where.

Paphiopedilum micranthum
Paphiopedilum malipoense
Paphiopedilum stonei (‘Cindy Hill’ X ‘Fogarty’s)
Paphiopedilum argus ('Jumbo X 'Purple Wing')
Paphiopedilum glanduliferum var. praestans ('Wingo' X 'Sam's Choice')
Paphiopedilum Sander’s Parish (P. parishii 'Jeanie' AM/AOS X P. sanderianum 'Flamingo Dance')
Paphiopedilum Doll's Kobold (charlesworthii 'Flat Dorsal' X henryanum 'Jumbo Spots')
Paphiopedilum (P. Helen Congleton X P. micranthum)
Paphiopedilum Virgo (P. Psyche ‘Krull-Smith’ HCC/AOS X P. godefroyae fma. leucochilum ‘Krull’s King’ AM/AOS)

Cochleanthes amazonica

Bulbophyllum A-doribil Upwind (B. basisetum ‘Red Slimy’ X B. echinolabium ‘A-doribil’ AM/AOS) in bud

Phalaenopsis violacea fma. coerulea (‘Mademoiselle Bleu’ AM/AOS X ‘Rachel’s Blue Eyes’)
Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi fma. chattaladae

And last, but VERY MUCH NOT LEAST!

Phragmipedium Frank Smith (P. Grande ‘Crystelle’ X P. kovachii ‘First Born’), three growths and very much blooming size! Shoot, ya gotta treat yourself once in a while!

Scott Ware is to be applauded! Frank and June did okay too!

Good to see all of you there! Next year, it's supposed to be in Orlando. Hope to see more folks then!
The Symposium was a lot of fun, though I really didn't know many of you there. Bob in Albany has some great ink, though! I learned alot, but mostly had fun shooting the breeze with old and new friends. Only got two plants :

Paph. victoria-mariae 'Marriott Victory' x self from Hadley

Paph. liemianum from June's Orchid Estate

I will post photos as I can.