We've succeeded in potatoe growing

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My partner and I have a pretty big garden for a house located close to the center of a small town in the Netherlands. So we've dedicated a small section of the garden to growing our own fruit and vegies. Not everything goes as eas as we would want it to go, but some things really work out well.

Earlier this year we bought some small roseval potatoes from a local market and after eating most of them about 10 were left and we decided to see if we could grow our own.

After putting them in a bright spot for a week or two there were enough starts on the potatoe to put in the ground. We've planted them in a row of about 4-5 meters and they grew very nicely.

After the plant above ground shrivveled away completely it was harvest time.

Below is the result:


About 12kg's of fresh roseval potatoes :D
I never thought about growing my own potatoes, but that seems to have worked out quite well for you. Good job.
Nice harvest! My wife and I grew a few things this year for the first time and it was so much fun.
very impressive. & healthy too. You can have a guaranteed source of organic food.
I would be a weekend farmer and grow my own food if I have a yard.
I bought a whole bunch of blue potatoes this year. when they started to sprout, I just planted them. Last month I harvested several pounds of them. Potatoes are actually fun to grow...and its nice to be able to recycle the food you buy.
nice! do they make red mashed or chips?

Nope inside they have a regular yellowish potatoe colour. But a lot of the times you prepare them unpeeled.

They are very nice when cut into wedges and sprinkled with olive oil, coarse seasalt and herbs. Then you prepare them in the oven. YUMMIIIIIIIIII!
They are very nice when cut into wedges and sprinkled with olive oil, coarse seasalt and herbs. Then you prepare them in the oven. YUMMIIIIIIIIII!

Try a little bit of chopped garlic too... ;)
Good work Marc!!!! Looks as if it is getting necessary to be able of managing at least some of oneselve's foodchain!!! Jean