starting over!

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Hi my name is Dan and I'm an orchid addict! :drool:

I went to college for Horticulture, I mastered in Greenhouse production back in the1970's.
I've probably grown about every type of plant available out there by now! LOL

A while back I had a 500 plant private orchid collection but, I lost everything I owned in a major flood.
So, now I'm starting over again! And have a pretty good start on a new collection too!

Right now, I have a very large Phrag. 'Geralda' that just started it's spring blooming,
and has a 2nd spike about the join the celebration!
I wish I could show you all some pictures to enjoy But, I'm having trouble getting pictures to upload !
if anyone has the patience to help me out here, I'd deeply appreciate it!
I'm Glad to be part of this group!
Thanks! & God bless!
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Thank you!

Thank you Heather!
Now if I can just learn how to upload pictures without error messages like "not uploaded" messages! I'll be good to go! :rollhappy:
Welcome Dan . Look forward to seeing some lovely pics from you once you get the hang of uploading --- it took me a long time to figure it out!!
Forgot to say I am an old stager from the UK. My avatar pic from 70th birthday some 7 years ago!!!!