Sorcerer’s Apprentice (longifolium v gracile x sargentianum ‘Red Glare’)

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Jan 22, 2008
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elmer, nj
This is a Piping Rock plant, in the group that Clark parted with a few years ago. This is its first flowering since I’ve had it. It did have two blooms open at the same time; the picture below of detached flower resting on an amaryllis leaf is the first flower. It has more buds on the way. I’ve been very busy and since the phrags have auto watering I don’t look often enough, and it’s darker when I see things55CE25D7-5143-44FE-8B65-EB55C2713E17.jpegCFE86E27-8399-4F05-83EE-C9802E8E0066.jpeg1C6DF0CB-6026-4064-9070-E519C27EDA67.jpeg

It looks like a 4 1/2” pot


Using my old trusty iMac that I play marathon or other things, can see scale. The longest leaves are maybe a foot long. There is an old spike, so has flowered before I was the owner. This is the third flower, it’s a bit pale. Second was a bit darker but before I could get good pic of open #2 and 3, it of course fell off 👍
very good so second flowering... looks like the size is in fact managed down... will be interesting to see how this grows as it really gets going... and how tall the spikes get...
I saw a sorcerers apprentice long ago at the southern tier orchid society show, grown by the then preseident of club, going gangbusters around 6’ tall

But that plant wouldn’t have fit on top of my iMac :D or anywhere in this apt
they do get quite large. the 4N 'Trinity' clone from EYOF that Bill Goldner has, also doesn't get quite that unwieldly... just thinking about alternatives to mine with the 30"+ long leaves... but i do love those 5 foot ever blooming spikes.... one just petered out that had its first bloom in Jan 2020.. now it's just additional 'organic staking' for it's friends :)

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