I have the following available, slippers,all are from Chuck Acker, except where noted.
wallisii 'Rapunzel' x kovachii 'TupacAmaru' -sdlg.2 1/2- 3"pots abt. 8"l.s. $75
Magdalene Rose 'Mother'4N x wallisii - sdlgs. 3"pot abt 9"l.s.NBS $6 or 4 plant mini compot $15. The pic is Mag.Rose x caudatum, just opening, expect to be similar.
Demetria x Barbara LeAnn -BS 2gr.3 1/2"pot $14, expect long petaled pinks.
Apple Pie (Mag.Rose x bess.'Paute') -BS 1 lg gr. $14. This is a sib I have, there was also an awarded sib on first bloom in April.
Lebaudyanum 'Album' - an old cross of philippinense x haynaldianum but in this case Chuck remade it using album parents on both sides.$8 sdlg.3"pot abt.2yrs.from blooming.
Larry Booth - is this a 'Booth' you haven't heard of? St. Swithin 'Patti'AM/AOS x haynaldianum, sounds good to me! 4'pot 7-8"l.s. abt 2yrs.bloom.
Delenatii - BS 3-3 1/2"pot $8.
Sandy's Wild Turkey - (lowii'HighPass'4N x victoria regina'MonsoonGiant'4N). This sounded like a scrumptious cross & then I saw one at an orchid show!from Monsoon flora - split the compot with me? 10 plants 2-3 1/2" l.s. $22.
Zygo.Bluebird - this is the second time it bloomed this year! Currently 4 flowers or take the one that's not in bloom!
Onc. Twinkles 'white' - cute, fragrant, floriforous 3 1/2" pot $10
Masd. Mardi Gras x floribunda - cute little purple flowers, free flowering & lots of them. Recently divided 2 1/2"pot starting to spike $10
Pictures available, PM or [email protected].
wallisii 'Rapunzel' x kovachii 'TupacAmaru' -sdlg.2 1/2- 3"pots abt. 8"l.s. $75
Magdalene Rose 'Mother'4N x wallisii - sdlgs. 3"pot abt 9"l.s.NBS $6 or 4 plant mini compot $15. The pic is Mag.Rose x caudatum, just opening, expect to be similar.
Demetria x Barbara LeAnn -BS 2gr.3 1/2"pot $14, expect long petaled pinks.
Apple Pie (Mag.Rose x bess.'Paute') -BS 1 lg gr. $14. This is a sib I have, there was also an awarded sib on first bloom in April.
Lebaudyanum 'Album' - an old cross of philippinense x haynaldianum but in this case Chuck remade it using album parents on both sides.$8 sdlg.3"pot abt.2yrs.from blooming.
Larry Booth - is this a 'Booth' you haven't heard of? St. Swithin 'Patti'AM/AOS x haynaldianum, sounds good to me! 4'pot 7-8"l.s. abt 2yrs.bloom.
Delenatii - BS 3-3 1/2"pot $8.
Sandy's Wild Turkey - (lowii'HighPass'4N x victoria regina'MonsoonGiant'4N). This sounded like a scrumptious cross & then I saw one at an orchid show!from Monsoon flora - split the compot with me? 10 plants 2-3 1/2" l.s. $22.
Zygo.Bluebird - this is the second time it bloomed this year! Currently 4 flowers or take the one that's not in bloom!
Onc. Twinkles 'white' - cute, fragrant, floriforous 3 1/2" pot $10
Masd. Mardi Gras x floribunda - cute little purple flowers, free flowering & lots of them. Recently divided 2 1/2"pot starting to spike $10
Pictures available, PM or [email protected].